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Tuesday, October 20, 2009
NewsBusters Joins in Seeking Revenge on Olbermann
Topic: NewsBusters

The Washington Examiner's Diana West is not the only right-winger looking to target Keith Olbermann's gig hosting an NFL pregame show as revenge for Rush Limbaugh not being able to buy the St. Louis Rams -- NewsBusters is hopping aboard the revenge train as well.

An Oct. 18 post by Noel Sheppard highlighted Juan Williams' complaint on "Fox News SUnday" about Olbermann, that he says "Conservatives are terrible, they're a bunch of jerks, blah-de-blah. And then he's announcing the game. Nobody says, 'Well, because he makes divisive statements he can't announce an NFL game.' I don't see that.

Jeff Poor followed with an Oct. 19 post (and MRC Business & Media Institute item) repeating Williams' statement, adding, "that's something Williams is dead-spot on with, if you take a closer look at Olbermann's nightly MSNBC show." Poor then complains about how Olbermann likes to bash conservatives in his nightly "Worst Person in the World" segment, which Poor says is "nothing but conservative-bashing sessions meant to appeal to his rabid left-wing viewers."

Like West, Poor bashes Olbermann for calling Michelle Malkin "a big mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick on it" but holds Malkin curiously blameless for siccing her hateful readers on an innocent person.

What Williams, Sheppard and Poor all seem to have missed (or are deliberately avoiding trying to mention) is that there's a key difference between Limbaugh and Olbermann: Olbermann limits his attacks to politics, doesn't attack NFL players, and has not been identified as making such remarks on his Sunday night NFL preview show, while Limbaugh leveled race-based criticism against an NFL player (Donovan McNabb) on an NFL pregame show.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:23 PM EDT

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