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Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Vadum Tries to Smear Us
Topic: Capital Research Center

In an Oct. 20 ACORN-bashing piece at the American Spectator, the Capital Research Center's Matthew Vadum curiously links to this very blog as an example of "so-called fact-checking operations that follow ACORN" who allegedly "a more much flexible definition for 'lie.'" No specific item, mind you -- just the blog itself, thus making this a dubious smear against us.

Why? We're not sure -- we haven't written all that much about ACORN. Perhaps Vadum is ticked off at use because we've repeatedly caught him in his own fair share of lies:

  • We've corrected Vadum's frequent false assertion that ACORN operated Project Vote in 1992  when Barack Obama was affiliated with Project Vote.
  • We've busted Vadum for playing fast and loose with  ACORN numbers, insisting that the group is "eligible" to receive billions from the stimulus bill while burying the fact that ACORN would likely receive only a small fraction, if any, of it.
  • We've documented Vadum peddling falsehoods and distortions about Media Matters.
  • We've caught him making a false claim that he would have avoided had he done some basic research. (Vadum only grudgingly corrected it.)

Is this a guy who has earned the right to complain about the research of others? We think not.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:41 PM EDT

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