Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily tries to get one last freak-out in under the wire before today's speech by President Obama to students.
Joseph Farah writes:
It's not safe to send your child to public school today.
Chances are good the indoctrination level will go from Defcon 2 to Defcon 1.
Barack Obama has already stolen your money. Today he attempts to steal the minds of your children.
In fact, as of today, it may be too late.[...]
Why is he speaking to schoolchildren? Because he knows most adults no longer believe anything he says. Because he knows children are not discerning enough to see through his lies. Because he is attempting to find new constituents for the 2012 election, at which time fully a fourth of these helpless subjects will be of voting age.
Why is it important that you listen to him? It is not. It is important that children not listen to him.
And that's why I am urging all responsible parents to keep their children out of school today or insist your district provide alternative education plans for the time of this speech.Children don't need to be politicized.
I know Obama's friend Bill Ayers would disagree.
Farah, by the way, doesn't identify anything he finds objectionable in Obama's speech, nor does he mention that Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush have given speeches to students without being accused by him or anyone else of "indoctrination." Then again, that appears to be the kind of indoctrination Farah believes in.
Determined not to be outdone by even Farah, WND columnist Janet Porter writes:
America demanded a rewrite of Obama's speech he is to give to our children today. The indoctrination of the captive audience in public schools was going to be subjected to helping President Obama secure his radical agenda of government take over of health care – but instead of recruiting "Obama Youth," with written pledges, that agenda has been thwarted for another more opportune time – like when people aren't watching as closely.
Of course, Porter cannot know if a previous version of Obama's speech ever existed, let alone that it was about "government take over of health care," and thus cannot credibly claim there was a "rewrite."