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Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Molotov Tries to Discredit Snopes
Topic: WorldNetDaily

How bad is the birther fight going? They're lashing out at the people who have discredited them.

In his Aug. 25 video, Molotov Mitchell follows in the footsteps of his WorldNetDaily overlords by trying to discredit urban-legend-debunking site, dismissing it as run by "just some guy and his wife, and neither of them have any credentials or formal training in investigative research whatsoever."

Mitchell adds: "In other words, Snopes has the credibility of a blog, like Perez Hilton's. And like Perez, they consistently attack conservatives. Basically, they're just commentators like me, with one huge difference: I don't pretend to be neutral."

At no point does Mitchell offer any evidence that Snopes has gotten any significant facts wrong -- about Obama's birth certificate or anything else -- or that Snopes "consistently attack[s] conservatives." In fact, we'd wager that Snopes' accuracy rate is much higher than Mitchell's -- or WND's or Perez Hilton's, for that matter.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:37 AM EDT

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