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Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Ruddy Hails Morris' 'Uncanny Ability to Predict the Future'
Topic: Newsmax

Christopher Ruddy begins his July 14 Newsmax column by asserting: "One of the reasons I like Dick Morris is that he has an uncanny ability to predict the future."

If by "uncanny" Ruddy means "utterly atrocious," then, sure.

Nevertheless, Ruddy goes on to assert that "so many of the predictions" in Morris' new book "have come true" -- then cites one that, er, hasn't:

Prediction: The stimulus program will do nothing to help the economy.

Outcome: Unemployment remains high and rising. Even the pro-Obama New York Times recently reported that the stimulus is a dud, and Democrats are talking about a second stimulus!

In fact, many economists believe that it is too early to declare success or failure for the stimulus package because it has yet to have full effect.


Posted by Terry K. at 11:34 AM EDT

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