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Monday, July 6, 2009
AIM: Environmentalists Are Nazis
Topic: Accuracy in Media

In the "personal destruction" section of Accuracy in Media's "What Liberals Say" website lists a pair of quotes under the heading "Comparing George Bush with Adolf Hitler."

Apparently, AIM doesn't consider Nazi comparisons "personal destruction" anymore: A July 2 "AIM Report" by Mark Musser describes the Nazis' purported environmentalism -- "a secular religion of nature" -- that was a part of the Nazi blend of "nationalism, socialism, ecology, race and nature protection."

While Musser himself doesn't make an explicit link between Nazis and today's environmentalists, that's clearly the goal of the piece, and the headline -- "The Green Nazi Hell and America’s Future?" -- makes that goal all too clear. Meanwhile, Cliff Kincaid says what Musser didn't in his notes at the end of the column:

The Nazis were also national socialists. And that is the path that Obama is on. This AIM Report by Marc Musser tells another story-how the Nazis adopted  "green" policies. They were part of the Nazi plan for totalitarian control of peoples' lives. The "green" policies being pursued by President Obama are supported by the AFL-CIO labor union, which has been infiltrated by Marxists. In fact, AFL-CIO president John Sweeney is a socialist.

In fact, contrary to right-wingers like Kincaid, the Nazis were not leftists -- Hitler banned trade unions within three months of taking power, and among the targets of Hitler's SS paramilitary troops were socialists, communists and liberals.

But then, AIM would have to reinstate its rule against personal destruction for Kincaid to retract his false smears.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:55 AM EDT

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