Topic: Newsmax
Only Dick Morris could weave Palin sycophancy, Obama-bashing and self-serving book promotion into a single paragraph, as he does in his brief July 3 Newsmax examination of Sarah Palin's resignation as Alaska governor:
It's probably very hard to be governor of Alaska. Located an entire day's trip away from Washington, D.C., or New York, my guess is that Sarah Palin felt isolated and out of touch in Juneau and felt that it was important to get back in the game. With President Barack Obama destroying the free-enterprise system, bankrupting the nation, and digging us into a hole of debt it will take a decade to climb out of, Palin undoubtedly felt the need to play a role when health care, our nation's manufacturing base, and so many key areas were at stake. As Eileen McGann and I say in our new book "Catastrophe," the threat to our nation could not be greater.
Morris does go on to concede that "her decision may backfire."