Topic: WorldNetDaily
In the same way he doesn't want to interfere with the so-called "elections" in Iran, he doesn't want to interfere with Tehran's efforts to obtain nuclear power. He'll give them until the end of the year to gain all the nuclear power they need to obtain their fundamental goal of wiping Israel off the map. But, rest assured, after that, he'll engage in some serious dialogue.
No, Obama doesn't want to dictate to other nations what they should do. Unless that nation is Israel. When it comes to Israel, he wants full dictatorship. I wouldn't be surprised if he were to appoint another unaccountable czar to rule over them.
In the same "Apology tour" highlighting America's arrogance for "dictating" policy, Obama also used his political power to try and force the European Union to admit Muslim Turkey into their midst. Thankfully, France and Germany wisely opposed his dictates.
And while we're on the subject of the arrogance of such "dictates," Obama, who said he wasn't interested in taking over the Auto industry, has done just - closing dealerships based not on their success, but on their politics. Those who opposed his candidacy are out of business, and those who gave him the most money remain open, even if their dealerships weren't successful. Auto czars and pay czars that answer to no one but the dictator in chief are making policy as we speak. They have taken over the banks, and now they want to run your health care.
This dictatorship must be stopped. And it must be stopped now. If we don't, we'll lose more than our strongest ally in the Middle East and the free market - we'll lose our lives.
--Janet Porter, June 16 WorldNetDaily column
Liberals got away with hate displacement under Woodrow Wilson (1913-21), America's first fascist president whose fascism predated other noted fascist by years – Lenin (1917), Mussolini (1922), Hitler (1933), Franco (1939). Liberals got away with hate displacement under the socialist state of FDR (1933-45), electing him to a record four terms. Liberals got away with hate displacement under LBJ (1963-69) who seized the Kennedy Camelot myth and exploited it for his own purposes, which he called "The Great Society."
Today President Obama has wholeheartedly assumed the JFK mantle and the myth, complicit with Hollywood and the state-run media in America, the rival to Hitler's chief movie propagandist, Leni Riefenstahl. They have helped Obama secure the presidential nomination through a complex pyramid of lies that support his naked fascism including innumerable separation of power violations.
Whether you call it displacement, liberal fascism, propaganda, socialism, government totalitarianism or the Liberal-Muslim Axis, all of it amounts to the liberal hate that kills truth.
-- Ellis Washington, June 17 WorldNetDaily column
Speaking of liberal goofiness brings us inevitably to Barack Hussein Obama, as he now proudly identifies himself – at least when he's addressing Muslims, praising Muslims and, as usual, slandering America. By the way, isn't it the least bit odd that he never condemns Muslims for clinging to their religion and their suicide bombs?
-- Burt Prelutsky, June 17 WorldNetDaily column
The president is like an unattractive high school girl desperately looking for a date to the prom: Any boor can take her for a few compliments. It's only when she arrives home the next morning, deflowered, that she realizes she's been suckered.
-- Ben Shapiro, June 17 WorldNetDaily (and column
The simple fact is that the fool you Obama voters elected, along with his merry band of Chicago thieves, have already saddled each and every American with more debt than they will ever earn over the remainder of their lives. They've passed this plunder out to their friends, who know where it has to end up before the next election.
-- Craige McMillan, June 18 WND column
America's system of checks and balances, designed to safeguard against tyranny, is in shambles.
Thus, our tyrannical president, committed to replacing free and private enterprise with government-run socialism, is able to do so, virtually at will.
That same tyrannical president is able to downgrade national defense, drive the nation to the cusp of financial ruin and trash the best health care system in the world in favor of a government run HMO, again, virtually unchallenged.
Our tyrannical president is able to use tax laws as a tool for punishing the successful in order to reward the mediocre.
He is able to bow before foreign kings, denounce America and her leaders while on foreign soil and apologize for American superiority as though it were a curse rather than a blessing.
-- John W. Lillpop, June 19 WND "letter of the week"
And while 2012 might seem like it's an eternity away, it's time for those of us who want to roll back the socialism and tyranny imposed by Washington under Obama to start looking for a candidate.
-- Joseph Farah, June 20 WND column
Likewise, are Obama and his government-controlled media accomplices really outraged over the Iranian mullah's stealing the election? I think not, because they are both part of the same Liberal-Muslim Axis. Michael Savage, together with Joseph Farah's WorldNetDaily, have been shouting from the roof tops that here in America just seven short months ago we elected an unremarkable, untested senator who to this day has not revealed to Congress or the American people his college grades, his LSAT scores for law school, what country he was born in, or even if he is a "natural born citizen" according to Article 2, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution.
On this last point there are currently only five House members out of 535 members of Congress who have signed on to support proposed legislation mandating that all future presidential nominees prove U.S. citizenship … after Obama. This political cowardice is both deficient and outrageous!
In the end, what is the difference between the mullahs stealing the election in Iran versus President Obama and the Democratic Party stealing the election here in America?
… which is why we glorify the Hitler of Iran and hate Michael Savage.
-- Ellis Washington, June 20 WND column