Topic: NewsBusters
Warner Todd Huston begins a Feb. 21 NewsBusters post by asserting, "The Minneapolis Star Tribune is often called the "Red Star" Tribune by residents of Minneapolis for its long-time, virulently left-wing outlook."
As we noted the last time he did this, Huston offers no evidence that anyone other than Huston smears the Star Tribune this way.
Huston goes on to claim that the Star Tribune is "tilted to the far left," but the only evidence he offers of this is that the paper endorsed Barack Obama for president.But Huston curiously fails to mention that the paper also endorsed Norm Coleman over Democrat Al Franken in the state's Senate rate, and its news coverage has tilted in favor of Coleman.
Huston also cites the Star Tribune's efforts to void a contract with one of its employee unions as an example of hypocrisy. But Huston fails to mention that the paper has editorialized against the Empoyee Free Choice Act, seen as a pro-union measure.
Huston accuses the paper of having problems dealing with reality, but that more accurately applies to Huston himself.