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Saturday, February 21, 2009
Farah's Double Standard on Abusive Behavior
Topic: WorldNetDaily

In recent columns, WorldNetDaily has cited the case of a Muslim man who allegedly beheaded his wife and another Muslim man who allegedly mistreated his family as evidence that Islam is a horrible thing because it, among other things, "denigrates women to the level of chattel," and as a warning against multiculturalism.

So we wondered: What did Farah have to say about a man who, according to court records, is accused of the following:

  • Hitting his children "with a stick, hanger or shoe" if they did not follow his rules.
  • Married to a woman who "does not interfere with his discipline of the children and his rules. There is evidence she does not make even  tentative decisions in dependency matters but rather defers issues until father can make decisions on them."
  • Keeping his home in "an endangering filthy, unsanitary and unsafe condition," filled with "approximately 60 guns, rifles and/or assault weapons; black powder in an unsecured location; and live ammunition, shells, and magazines, all of which was within access" to the children.
  • Allowing his children to be "chronically filthy, and unsupervised late at night."
  • Refusing to all his children to receive vaccinations or even to have birth certificates, and refusing to allow his female children to wear pants.
  • Failing to protect his children from a friend of the family who allegedly sexually abused at least one of his children; the child "told the parents about it when she was 12 years old but they did not believe her."The girl now "engages in selfmutilation (cutting herself with a razor blade) and has problems with depression, but her parents will not send her to therapy because father tells her that speaking with him is all the therapy she needs."

Answer: Nothing. In fact, quite the opposite: As we detailed, WND portrayed this man as a victim. Why? Because he homeschooled his children (just like Farah), and the state of California had ordered his children to be sent to an accredited school because the quality of the education they received at home was so deficient.

Not that WND told its readers about that last part, of course, or addressed the abuse issue substantively.

Farah had a chance to condemn child and spousal abuse in all forms, no matter the perpetrator. But because this man was a homeschooler and professed himself to be a Christian, Farah was silent. Or does he think such abuse is OK as long as you don't, you know, behead them?

Posted by Terry K. at 2:21 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, February 21, 2009 2:21 AM EST

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