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Thursday, October 16, 2008
Will Corsi Retract His False Documents At Teleseminar?
Topic: WorldNetDaily

As part of his recovery from his (not so) "traumatic abduction" in Kenya, Jerome Corsi will host a teleseminar at 6 p.m. Eastern time today to discuss his claims about Barack Obama and Kenya's Raila Odinga.

As we've detailed, the documents Corsi has thus far supplied to support his allegations of direct Obama links to Odinga are either apparently fraudulent or blatantly fraudulent.

His claims that he "authenticated" these documents fly in the face of the simple fact that you can't "authenticate" a fake.

Will anyone ask Corsi during the teleseminar about these fraudulent documents? Will anyone be allowed to ask questions at all? Will Corsi admit his documents are fraudulent?

We shall see. What little credibility WorldNetDaily has a news source is riding on it.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:34 AM EDT

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