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Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Newsmax Gets Amnesia About McCain's Flip-Flops
Topic: Newsmax

An Oct. 14 Newsmax article by Rod Proctor carries the headline: "Obama's Long Record of Flip-Flops Exposed."

Mentioned nowhere in Proctor's article: John McCain's even longer record of flip-flops. 

It's not that Newsmax isn't aware of this. Indeed, Ronald Kessler wrote of McCain in July 2007:

It's one thing for a candidate to flip-flop on issues. It's another thing for a candidate to contradict himself on himself.

That's what John McCain has been doing — repeatedly — on whether he has a temper.


McCain's diametrically opposed claims about his temper raise questions: Is McCain so arrogant that he thinks he can say anything and get away with it? Or is he such a loose cannon that he doesn't know what the truth is?

Kessler hasn't written a thing about McCain's temper for months now. Wonder why that is ...

Posted by Terry K. at 1:28 PM EDT

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