Topic: WorldNetDaily
As we've repeatedly demonstrated, WorldNetDaily has a hate-Obama agenda. The hate parade continues with a new bumper sticker:
Do you love America?
We hope the answer is yes.
Do you think Barack Obama is the right man to lead this great nation for the next four years?
If the answer is no, then just say "NObama!"
WND is now offering a new, magnetic bumper sticker that's sure to become an instant classic, bearing the message, "NObama '08."Draped in the patriotic colors of the American flag, this portable placard lets everyone know you won't be casting your ballot for the Democratic senator from Illinois.
You've been learning plenty about the real Barack Obama in recent weeks. You've seen the kind of people he calls his friends and mentors. Now it's time to share your concerns with your fellow Americans.[...]
Say yes to America's security.
Say yes to a prosperous future.
Say "NObama '08."
And say no to any notion that WND can ever be trusted as a source of information or should be regarded as anything other than a public relations arm of the McCain campaign -- after all, it doesn't sell anti-McCain paraphernalia, and being anti-Obama is, for intents and purposes, being pro-McCain.