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Tuesday, March 18, 2008
WND Adds Ron Paul Column, Ignores Paul's Extremist Ties
Topic: WorldNetDaily

A March 16 WorldNetDaily article declared that Ron Paul's column will appear at WND "first thing Monday mornings." The article contains the usual promotional blather and fails to mention WND's own reporting -- namely, a December 2007 article stating that Paul "is planning on keeping a contribution from a former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan."

Meanwhile, a look at WND's archives shows that it has never reported on Paul's newsletter having a history of publishing bigoted claims, as detailed in a Jan. 8 New Republic article. The only mention of it anywhere on WND came in a Jan. 18 column by Ron Paul endorser Ilana Mercer, who described the bigoted statements, "unearthed strategically by The New Republic," merely as "politically incorrect" and "unsavory," hastening to add, "none of which bore Ron Paul's byline." In fact, most of the inflammatory claims carried no byline, while the newsletter carried the name of Ron Paul, thus "implying that Paul was the author," as the TNR article noted.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:21 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 11:25 PM EST

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