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Thursday, June 14, 2007
We Don't Think It Means What You Think It Means
Topic: Newsmax

A June 14 NewsMax article is headlined, "Public Outrage Over Limbaugh Censorship."

But the article itself shows that Limbaugh is, in fact, not being censored at all. The article describes efforts by Broward County, Florida, officials to end a partnership with a local radio station "to disseminate information during a hurricane emergency" because it airs conservative radio shows like Limbaugh's. There's no evidence of an ultimatum issued by the county demanding the station "censor" Limbaugh or anything of that sort. Nor have county officials demanded that Limbaugh's show not air anywhere in the county -- which would actually be censorship. Indeed, there's no evidence that the radio station has stopped airing Limbaugh or even offered to do so in order to keep the county's business (which would not stop another station from picking up Limbaugh's show).

It's merely free trade, one customer choosing who it wants to do business with, or not, for whatever reason -- something we thought conservatives supported.

Posted by Terry K. at 7:47 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, June 14, 2007 7:51 PM EDT

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