Topic: NewsBusters
Good news: Reality is catching up to the Media Research Center's silliest complaint.
We've frequently noted the MRC's obsession with news reports that gas prices were at "record highs," complaining that they weren't when adjusted for inflation while not similarly adjusting, say, Clinton-era tax increases and record Dow highs. But now, the current price of gas has reached the inflation-adjusted high.
So what does Brent Baker do in a May 21 NewsBusters post? Complain that news reports are still inaccurate, because the current price "does not beat [the inflation-adjusted high] but only 'matches' it." Baker then attacked ABC's Charles Gibson because he "continued to deliver distorted reporting in which he refused to adjust for inflation" by calling the current price "another record high."
Baker wouldn't be nearly as touchy about this if a Democrat was president.