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Saturday, April 14, 2007
Speaking of Omitting Important Information ...
Topic: WorldNetDaily

An April 13 WorldNetDaily article was critical of the "press" -- actually, a Dallas TV station and the Associated Press -- for reporting on abuses in a high school program about the Holocaust that "purposely omitted from the reports" that "[t]he abuses took place last year" and "[t]here have been no reports of such abuses in the program this year."

This appears to be an attempt to plug Joseph Farah's new book by suggesting that WorldNetDaily doesn't do such things when, of course, it does.

In December 2005, for instance, WND reported -- or, to be more accurate, rewrote press releases from the conservative legal group Liberty Counsel -- on a case in Dodgeville, Wisconsin, where a school was accused of changing the lyrics to "Silent Night" for a holiday program. Nowhere in the original article, a follow-up article, a column by Joseph Farah or two columns by Jerry Falwell (who operates Liberty Counsel) could the truth about the situation be found: The revised lyrics sung to "Silent Night" were, in fact, part of the plot of a play the school was performing -- ironically, a play described as having been performed by churches across the country.

It can credibly be claimed that WND purposely omitted from its reports the full truth because it merely rewrote Liberty Counsel's press releases and made no effort to do any of its own reporting, which would have cleared the situation up. WND is being hypocritical in complaining about journalistic behavior WND itself has engaged in.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:47 AM EDT

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