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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
NewsBusters Doesn't Need No Stinkin' Context
Topic: NewsBusters

Does Mark Finkelstein understand the idea of context? We suspect not.

An Oct. 31 NewsBusters post by Finkelstein dismissed Chris Matthews' claim that John Kerry "meant to go after the president," not U.S. troops, with his comment with without adequate education one will get "stuck in Iraq," retorting, "To quote that keen observer of human nature, John McEnroe: 'you cannot be serious!' ' But Finkelstein fails to offer the context in which Matthews made his claim.

As Media Matters pointed out -- but Finkelstein doesn't -- Matthews made note of an Associated Press article that placed the comment in its proper context -- as part of "several one-liners," such as stating that "Bush had lived in Texas but now 'lives in a state of denial.' "

In fact, no NewsBusters post to on the issue has reported on the context in which Kerry made his remark, which supports Kerry's claim that it was targeted at Bush, not the troops.

So, NewsBusters guys: How, exactly, does one fight "liberal media bias" by refusing to tell the full truth?

UPDATE: A post by Noel Sheppard appears to excoriate CNN for allowing Kerry to respond to the charge that he insulted U.S. troops, calling it "unbelievable" that correspondent Andrea Koppel would "amazingly" let Kerry defend himself. Huh?

Posted by Terry K. at 10:13 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, November 1, 2006 12:07 AM EST

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