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Sunday, August 27, 2006
Coarsening the Dialogue
Topic: NewsBusters

An Aug. 26 NewsBusters post by Dean Esmay launches a vitriolic attack on Daily Kos, calling it a "far-left hate-blog" and its posters "crypto-nazis," "Blame America First defeatists" and "hatemongering idiots." Esmay adds: "The Lamont Democrats have not yet gotten a tenth the kicking around they deserve. They are are vicious beyond belief." It would seem Esmay is calling the kettle black in hurling "hate-blog" accusations.

Esmay also bizarrely charges that "there is no Republican equivalent to the Daily Kos or Firedoglake or MyDD at the moment"; apparently, he's never heard of Free Republic or or Liberty Post or ...

Esmay is among the quasi-prominent bloggers who post on NewsBusters, joining such luminaries as Dan Riehl and Jeff Goldstein. The goal, it appears, is to lower the level of dialogue on the site (not that it was all that high to begin with).

Posted by Terry K. at 10:14 AM EDT

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