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Sunday, April 30, 2006
Pro-Limbaugh Spin Update
Topic: Newsmax
-- An April 29 NewsBusters post by Brent Baker claimed that ABC didn't back up its claim that Rush Limbaugh was "a hypocrite for previously condemning drug users" because it "didn't offer any evidence Limbaugh has ever denounced those hooked on prescription pain medication." While ABC did play a clip of Limbaugh saying, ""The people who are caught doing this stuff ought to be sent away. They ought to be punished," Baker parsed it away:

What, however, was the “stuff” to which Limbaugh referred? Kofman did not specify in delivering his broadside, but if Limbaugh was condemning users of illegal hallucinogenic substances, such as cocaine or heroin, that's quite a bit different than obtaining an excessive level of legal drugs to control pain.

Baker similarly whacked The New York Times for "an uncorroborated broadside which didn't differentiate between illegal mind-altering drugs and legal, prescription-controlled pain relievers."

-- An April 29 NewsMax article promotes Limbaugh's $250,000 donation to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society while mentioning nothing about his plea deal.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:11 PM EDT

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