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Sunday, October 23, 2005
Cliff's Notes
Topic: Accuracy in Media
We've haven't checked in lately with "Cliff's Notes," the report by Cliff Kincaid that's attached to each "AIM Report" issued by Accuracy in Media. Let's see what he's doing, shall we?

-- Kincaid is advocating censorship in the Oct. 11 "Cliff's Notes." He wants to prevent the English-language version of al-Jazeera from ever airing in the United States:

If you think coverage of the war is bad now, wait until Al-Jazeera gets access to the U.S. market. ... We must alert top administration officials to the need to do everything possible to keep its propaganda out of the U.S. It's time to draw the line.

-- The Sept. 11 "Cliff's Notes" makes a false attack on the Clintons after Hillary Clinton suggested that FEMA was a better agency in the Clinton administration. Kincaid invokes the name of Raymond "Buddy" Young, a FEMA regional director under Clinton:

Young, former director of security for then-governor Clinton, led the effort to suppress the stories told by Arkansas State troopers who exposed evidence of Clinton using state resources to arrange sexual liaisons with numerous women.

As ConWebBlog has noted (and Kincaid doesn't), the troopers' stories have been discredited, not least of all by themselves; they backpedaled from many of their accusations while under oath.

Kincaid also takes a swipe at my employer, Media Matters, because it helped force Sinclair Broadcast Group to back down from airing the anti-Kerry film "Stolen Honor." "The left" viewed the film "as scurrilous and full of lies about John Kerry," Kincaid writes; he claims that it instead "simply recounted the truthful testimony of former U.S. POWs during the Vietnam War who said that Kerry's Senate testimony accusing American soldiers of war crimes was used to torture them." In fact, "Stolen Honor" contains a number of factual errors, not the least of which was conflating Kerry's Senate testimony, which merely recounted what soldiers said during the Winter Soldier hearings, with a blanket indictment of all American soldiers in Vietnam.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:52 PM EDT

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