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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
NewsMax's Token Liberal
Topic: Newsmax
NewsMax runs Democratic strategist Susan Estrich's syndicated column mostly as a defense against claims that it's monolithically conservative (sorta like why WorldNetDaily runs columns by Bill Press -- or did until a few weeks ago). But in a follow-up on a dustup over why Clinton-basher (and fellow NewsMax columnist) Dick Morris, who has a new book out touting the presidential prospects of Condoleezza Rice, won't appear on any talking-head show against Estrich, who has a new book out touting the presidential prospects of Hillary, NewsMax has chosen sides -- and to nobody's surprise, it wasn't with Estrich.

An Oct. 11 article NewsMax attacks Estrich for promoting Hillary when she claimed a couple years ago that Hillary is too divisive to be president, suggesting that "before she debates Morris, whose new book "Hillary vs. Condi" debuted yesterday - perhaps she ought to debate herself." NewsMax goes on to call Estrich a "Carol Channing sound-alike." The end of the article announces: "Get Dick Morris' new book "Hillary vs. Condi" for an unbeatable price at's bookstore."

If NewsMax hates Estrich so much, why is it paying her good money to run her column?

Posted by Terry K. at 5:21 PM EDT

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