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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
More Junk Journalism At WND
Topic: WorldNetDaily
In yet another example of gross journalistic imbalance at WorldNetDaily, Ron Strom has penned a fourth article on the man who is accusing Allstate Insurance of firing him for writing an anti-gay column. Strom's Sept. 6 article touts a letter written on behalf of the man by several congressmen.

The article, like the three preceding ones also written by Strom, follow the Terri Schiavo template, playing up the man's accusations through cozy connections with his attorney -- who also served as a attorney for Schaivo's parents -- while downplaying or ignoring completely anything Allstate has to say.

To continue the count we began with Strom's first story: Of the 91 paragraphs Strom has written over four articles about this case, only six are devoted to Allstate's response, and all of them are buried at the end of their respective articles. The rest all advance the man's case.

If you wonder why ConWebWatch exists, this is why: to expose junk journalism like this.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:33 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, September 6, 2005 10:35 PM EDT

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