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Sunday, September 4, 2005
Training Up A Columnist, Part 2
Topic: WorldNetDaily
A couple years back, we took to task Kyle Williams -- the homeschooled teenage columnist for WorldNetDaily -- for hewing a little too closely to the conservative line on the issues of the day. Kyle is 16 now, and he's starting to find his own voice, though it's one some of his fellow conservatives might not want to hear.

Kyle has been on a quest to develop a purer vision of Christianity. In the process, he has leveled a lot of criticism against "family values" conservatives such as Jerry Falwell and the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins for such offenses as villainizing gays and playing politics instead of saving souls.

In his Sept. 3 WND column, keeps it up by biting the hand that feeds him. He attacks the idea that God sent Hurrcane Katrina to destroy New Orleans for its tolerance of homosexuality or other similar alleged failings, singling out two people who WND has promoted over the years: Michael Marcavage of anti-gay Repent America and WND columnist Craige McMillan. Kyle calls them arrogant and insensitive to the plight of their fellow human beings.

Kyle snarkily adds: "At this point, I'm just waiting for Fred Phelps and his friends to show up on a New Orleans' highway with picket signs saying, 'God Hate Fags [sic].'" No snark needed here, actually;1) Phelps' followers are already picketing the funerals of troops killed in Iraq; and 2} Phelps holds the same views on Kristina and gays as Marcavage.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:28 PM EDT

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