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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
CNS' Bias-O-Rama
A raftful of bias and questionable facts at today:

-- An article by Susan Jones on an anti-gay-marriage initiative in California features only attacks on California Attorney General Bill Lockyer by "defenders of traditional marriage" who claim Lockyer is, in Jones' words, "deliberately trying to undermine a proposed marriage amendment by issuing a negative and prejudicial paragraph describing it to voters." Jones makes no apparent attempt to contact Lockyer for his response.

-- In a fine example of CNS' assumption that Democrats are motivated only by politics and hatred of Bush comes this lead from another Susan Jones article:

Before news events overtook them, Democrats were on a roll about Karl Rove, the Bush adviser they've targeted for job termination -- even before a federal grand jury concludes its investigation into who leaked the name of a covert CIA agent to the press.

On Tuesday, various Democrats returned to the subject.

-- An article by Melanie Hunter on a fight over documents sought by Democrats regarding Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts notes that the Bush White House "refused to turn over documents relating to cases Roberts argued on behalf of the Bush administration during the president's first term." That would be the first President Bush, but Hunter does not make that clear.

Hunter also puts words, Paul Begala-like, into the mouth of Sen. Ted Kennedy, responding to White House press secretary Scott McClellan's claim that Roberts documents the White House won't release are bound by attorney-client privilege:

Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) dismissed McClellan's comments on the attorney-client privilege, adding that there is no such thing.

No such thing as attorney-client privilege? Will Jered Ede be trumpeting this revelation in a CNS article tomorrow?

Posted by Terry K. at 11:08 AM EDT

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