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Saturday, December 23, 2017
WND's Massie Kills Larry Sinclair, And Pretty Much The Entire Idea of Truth
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Mychal Massie is turning into a parody of himself. We always knew he was a depraved liar with an unusually large thesaurus, but he managed to outdo himself in his Dec. 18 WorldNetDaily column in slinging discredited, conspiratorial claims.

He starts off by noting "credible accusations of voter fraud" in the Alabama Senate race (not so much) and the "fallacious “allegations” of sexual impropriety" made against Roy Moore (even the Moore defenders at Breitbart now concede they were credible).He then quickly moved onto the claim that Bill Clinton "fathered an out-of-wedlock son with an illiterate black woman. That accusation haunts him today as 31-year-old Danny Williams continues his fight to force Clinton to take a DNA test for purposes of proving he is his father." Actually, Williams is more a victim of opportunistic right-wing charlatans like Joel Gilbert, who are disturbingly eager to feed Williams conspiracy theories and exploit him to try and sate their own lingering Clinton Derangement Syndrome. (Oh, yeah, there was a DNA test conducted by a tabloid back in the 1990s; not a match.)

Since Massie is just throwing whatever at the wall despite the fact that none of ever stuck before, he moves on to discredited attacks on Barack Obama:

Or perhaps it would have been better if Judge Moore had been an Obama. The allegations that Obama had frequented homosexual bathhouses in Chicago persist until today. Larry Sinclair wrote an expose on Obama titled, “Barack Obama and Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies.” The book was published in 2009, and approaching Obama’s bid for re-election in 2012 a description at Google Books read: “The allegations Larry Sinclair makes in this book about our current president should be sending shock-waves through our national media. Consider that on Nov. 6.”

A description at Amazon noted: “The biggest untold story of the 2008 U.S. presidential election … Finally, the no-holds-barred, 100 percent true story of Barack Obama’s use and sale of cocaine; his homosexual affairs and the Dec. 23, 2007, murder of Barack Obama’s former lover and choir director of Obama’s Chicago church of 20 years, Donald Young, just days before the 2008 Iowa Caucus. This searing, candid story begins with Barack Obama meeting Larry Sinclair in November 1999, and subsequently procuring and selling cocaine, and then engaging in consensual, homosexual sex with Sinclair on Nov. 6 and again on Nov. 7, 1999.

“You’ll read in riveting detail how Sinclair, in 2007, repeatedly contacted and requested that the Obama campaign simply come clean about their candidate’s 1999 drug use and sales. You learn how the Obama campaign, David Axelrod and Barack Obama used Donald Young (the homosexual lover of Barack Obama) to contact and seek out information from Sinclair about who he had told of Obama’s crimes and actions. You’ll read how the Obama campaign used Internet porn king Dan Parisi and Ph.D. fraud Edward I. Gelb to conduct a rigged polygraph exam in an attempt to make the Sinclair story go away.


Larry Sinclair was killed in what no few concluded was a very suspicious car accident in November 2011. His allegations of interracial homosexual sex and cocaine abuse involving Obama went uninvestigated by the mainstream media.

One: Larry Sinclair, a convicted criminal, discredited himself in a bizarre, evidence-free press conference starring his kilt-wearing lawyer who couldn't stop talking about his junk.

Two: Larry Sinclair died in a 2011 car accident? We were unable to find any credible reference to such an incident. Had it actually happened, WND would have undoubtedly tried to exploit the hell out of it as the basis of its own "Obama death list" in order to blame Obama himself for orchestrating it. But that never happened.

Indeed, one of the people who would be most surprised to learn that Larry Sinclair died in 2011 is, um, Larry Sinclair. In a May 2017 column -- just seven months ago --  WND's Jack Cashill complained about how he and other fringe Obama-haters weren't contacted for a new book on the president, pondering that "I thought for sure [author David Garrow] would have interviewed Larry Sinclair," given how he had "reportedly discussed Obama’s alleged bisexuality." Cashill added: "I reached out to Sinclair through Facebook. 'I just don’t know any David Garrow,' he told me, 'nor have I given any interviews in last couple of years as I have been restoring a neglected community.'"

This is how little regard Massie has for facts. But then, apparently nobody at WND ever told him he was limited to using facts in his column.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:32 AM EST
Updated: Friday, December 29, 2017 9:46 PM EST

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