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Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily

I could not help but smile to myself when I got a gander at Barack Obama’s vile White House “Christmas” ornaments. Many of them were defiled with images of history’s most evil men, including the murderer of untold millions and cultural executioner Mao Tse Tung.

And it was hard not to laugh when Michelle Obama tried to explain the decadent ornaments away. She and Barack were unaware of the images, she said, as the ornaments were decorated and sent to them from her various groups (clearly groups of a seditious and conspiratorial nature).

An ornament depicting Ronald Reagan, discovered later in a photograph, was supposed to render the Mao ornament insignificant. But it really changed nothing: if someone has a picture of Reagan in his office, does it make it OK for him to have a picture of Hitler too?

This type of ugliness is not new. Obama’s cultural pollution is no accident.

He uses his brand to market the most destructive and cancerous ideas in human history. Obama uses proxies to get the most noxious narrative into the national dialogue, the daily workplace, and the minds of our youth.

-- Pam Geller, Dec. 28 Newsmax column

(By "many" ornaments being "defiled," Geller actually means one. And the Mao image is actually an image of Andy Warhol's painting of Mao, which means Geller, like other right-wingers, doesn't understand pop culture.)

Posted by Terry K. at 1:17 PM EST

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