At WND, It's Donald the DivineWorldNetDaily slandered Barack Obama as the Antichrist, but it's now pushing the idea that hand of God brought Donald Trump's election as president.By Terry Krepel WorldNetDaily was not shy about describing Barack Obama in the most biblically dire terms, particularly reveling in portraying him as a harbinger to the Antichrist, if not the literal Antichrist. Carl Gallups -- who was hiding behind the pseudonym PPSIMMONS when he issued a WND-promoted video in 2009 using dubious biblical scholarship to make the claim that Obama was the Antichrist, tried to unsuccessfully walk it back in a 2015 interview with Alan Colmes, insisting that he merely claimed that "Obama certainly displays an alarmingly powerful antichrist spirit." When Obama was re-elected in 2012 despite WND's best efforts to slander and libel him, WND writers went into a very dark place, led by editor Joseph Farah himself, pronounced it to be "God’s judgment" against America (and not, say, for his and WND's campaign of lies and libel against Obama). A couple days later, Farah smeared Obama voters as having "gone awhoring." A special issue of WND's Whistleblower magazine was themed "The American Tribulation," in which WND purported to speak for "millions of Americans" by calling Obama's re-election "Unthinkable. A cataclysmic disaster. The end of America as we know it." Fast forward to the results of the 2016 election. Just as WND has flipped on the propriety of likening the president of the United States (perfectly fine when talking about Obama, bad when talking about Trump), it sees the hand of God invervening to save America through Trump. Farah declared on Nov. 8 that "I like to think God smiled on America, maybe because of the prayers of so many forgotten people people who began to wake up and realize they just didn’t recognize their country any more. They thought about their kids and their grandkids and what kind of world would be left for them if we kept going down the same road at 70 mph," adding: "The Lord does indeed work in mysterious ways. He doesn’t always use the people you would expect him to use to exercise His will. He often uses people who are, shall we say, a little rough around the edges to bring justice, bring relief to the persecuted and answer the prayer of His saints. He answered mine on Tuesday." Columnist Michael Brown echoed Farah: "Yet there are times when there are so many odds against something happening, when it so greatly defies logic, that it is easier to recognize God’s involvement. That, I believe, is the case with Donald Trump winning and remember, this comes from someone who endorsed Ted Cruz and was one of Trump’s stronger conservative critics during the primaries." Pat Boone chimed in as well, asserting that Obama was a "God-ordained authority the last eight years" as a result of how Americans "have collectively shoved Him aside, disregarded His Word, His expressed will, and let him know we’d rather do things our own way." And Trump is our salvation, apparently: In the last year, as we faced a stark choice and a likely descent into more unbridled rebellion against God’s will for America, millions of us repented of our sinful apathy and permission of perversion in our midst, and sought God’s face and prayed for Him to heal our land! Meanwhile, on the so-called "news" side, WND reporter Garth Kant provided this dramatic -- er, melodramatic interpretation of God's intervention in the election, starring Michele Bachmann: At 7 p.m., there was no sign of a popular uprising led by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. There was no sign at 8 p.m. There was still no sign as time inexorably marched on. In a Dec. 16, WND's Paul Bremmer interviewed corrupt former Republican congressman Tom DeLay -- who just so happens to have a WND-published book coming out -- who claimed that "would be a year where God would bring us to a crossroads, where we would have a major debate on the direction of the country: whether we’re going to go to the left, more socialism, more dissolution of the government and the country, or are we going to turn it around and have it go towards God, God-centered constitutional republic." While Trump was not "the godly president DeLay had hoped for," Bremmer writes, DeLay said that "now I think I see what God’s intentions were: Here’s a man that basically is a clean slate, and we ‘we’ being Christian constitutionalist conservatives have an opportunity to fill in that slate.” An anonymously written Jan. 11 WND article told the story of the late "singing prophet" Kim Clement, who purportedly prophesied in 2007 that Trump would become president: “Trump shall become a trumpet, says the Lord,” the South African Clement bellowed in a recording reportedly made April 4, 2007, in Redding, California. But as religion blogger Richard Bartholomew pointed out, the full context of Clement's tapes are that he was prophesying that Rudy Giuliani would be president -- presumably in 2008, when his presidential campaign notoriously crashed and burned -- and that Trump and Microsoft's Bill Gates would become evangelists. Another anonymously written WND article, on Jan. 15, dug up "a prominent Israeli mystic spiritual leader," Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi, to vouch for Trump's divinely ordained mission: “When Trump takes office, he will receive help directly from heaven that will enable him overcome these obstacles, and bring peace to the world.” Ben Artzi also expressed his WND-level hatred for Obama, according to the article, calling him a "traitor" and claiming that “Obama, like an injured beast, helped Hillary Clinton whose sole intention was to continue his agenda.” WND didn't mention that Ben Artzi also once predicted in 2012 that more storms like Superstorm Sandy would hit the U.S. if it didn't help Israel. That hasn't exactly happened despite the rabbi's hatred of Obama. WND is even looking askance at anyone who criticizes the idea that the election of Donald Trump was divinely inspired. Jack Minor wrote in a Jan. 5 article: After years of fostering the narrative of President Obama as a messiah, members of the media now seem to have developed a sudden aversion to attributing divine attributes to the leader of the free world. Minor went on to cite various isolated instances in which people have ascribed messianic qualities to Obama. He didn't mention the rhetorical pro-Trump messianic excess that has billowed forth from the place that published his article. Farah decides: It's Donald the DivineSince the election ended, Farah has gotten more explicit about proclaiming divine intercession in Trump's election. invoked his favorite right-wing prophet, Jonathan Cahn -- whom WND touted in January as having "hailed the rise of Trump as an example of God’s will": in a -- Farah wrote in his Feb. 27 column: The dizzying pace of Trump’s complete reversal of the very policies that seemed to be dragging America down into imminent judgment is, after all, remarkable. Who would have predicted it? Did it seem even in the realm of possibility in the near term in 2017? In his March 1 column, Farah got his answer from his hero: It started with a plea for a National Day of Prayer and Repentance on Sept. 11, 2013, an event that has continued annually since. After WND reported that religious-right fave James Dobson has weigh in in the affirmative on the subject of divine Trump intervention as a "reprieve" for America, Farah weighed in once again in his in his March 12 column, declaring that "I now believe with all my heart" that Cahn's book "The Harbinger" and the movie Farah and WND made from that book "turned the hearts of Christians in America to humility, prayer, to seeking God’s face and repentance, just as II Chronicles 7:14 commands in times of national backsliding." (How convenient that a WND-made product and Farah's close friend caused this to happen.) Farah continued: If I am right and we are experiencing a partial “restoration” in 2017, what better time to explore with me what the full, complete, seldom explored, prophetic story of the ultimate restoration will look like? We've never seen any evidence that Farah has ever humbled himself before the Lord or anyone else, as his column's plugging of not only Cahn's work (on sale at WND) but his own new book (WND-published, natch) in which he claims to examine "the ultimate restoration of all things that comes with the return of Jesus the Messiah to rule and reign over the whole earth from His throne in Jerusalem." Farah never publicly repented for running a dishonest website and pursuing an agenda of personal destruction against Barack Obama, and there's no reason to think he'll make an about-face and humble himself anytime soon. There's also no evidence that either Farah or anyone else at WND have apparently considered that the opposite of their biased religious interpretations might be true: that Obama was the blessing and that Trump is the curse, the one who will lead America into the wilderness. An opposite -- and attacked -- viewIt was a bit of a surprise to see an anonymously written Feb. 21 WND article about a Florida pastor, Joel Tooley, who felt "demonic" activity that was "palpable" at a Trump rally he and his young daughter had attended the previous weekend. But unlike with the pro-Trump pastors and others who see divine intent in Trump's election and actions that WND has published, Tooley's claims were not allowed to stand unchallenged. The anonymous WND writer made sure to note that "Tooley is also an immigration activist" who has worked with "one of the nine agencies that get paid by the federal government to resettle refugees in the United States." WND also published attacks on Tooley's account that, among other things, called it "BS to the core. Phony and made up" and that Tooley "needs to understand" that the Trump rally was, in fact, a "'deeply religious' experience." WND does not provide the source for these attacks beyond claiming that they were "comments posted online." But from where? The Facebook post by Tooley on which WND based its article contains no such comments in the 65 attached to it. We also conducted a quick Google search and could not find the comments independent of reposted versions of the WND article. Are these comments from some super-secret website WND has access to but nobody else does? Or did WND make up these comments as a way to attack Tooley for committing the offense of being critical of Trump? ConWebWatch contacted WND for an answer as to the comments' original source, but it did not respond. |