Exhibit 62: WorldNetDaily Wants To Run Bruce Jenner's Life
Anti-gay WND columnists who despise the transgendered think they know better about Jenner than he himself does.
By Terry Krepel Posted 2/25/2015
Matt Barber
With the news that former Olympic champion and current reality-TV patriarch Bruce Jenner may be transitioning into a woman, WorldNetDaily's resident homophobes have decided they know what's best for him and sent unsolicited advice his way.
A Feb. 5 WND article quotes a couple of its resident anti-gay activists to offer the armchair-psychiatric diagnosis that Jenner needs help that becoming transgender won't solve:
Michael Brown, author of “A Queer Thing Happened to America: And What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been,” is calling the media’s behavior exploitation at best and sinister at worst.
“I don’t know how much genuine compassion or courage is being shown here,” he said. “Real courage would be for us to work together to help this man without mutilating him.”
But [WND managing editor] David Kupelian, author of “The Marketing of Evil,” expressed concerns similar to Brown’s.
“It’s very sad that legendary Olympian Bruce Jenner is trying to turn himself into a woman,” he said, “The desire to become the opposite gender, which usually involves the amputation of healthy body parts, is a psychological-spiritual problem that cries out for understanding and enlightened counseling, not surgical mutilation.”
Kupelian said “transgender ‘transitioning,’ which is the latest madness infecting the American mind, is in fact so abnormal and unnatural that a staggeringly tragic 41 percent of all transgender individuals living in the United States have attempted to commit suicide, according to a 2010 study.”
Brown, who addresses in his books issues such as how Christians should respond to homosexuals who say they love the Lord and experience God’s power, said: “It’s absolutely tragic. It’s nothing to celebrate. God made him a man and he was a married man with children. Whatever his deep seated issues are, let’s try to help him from the inside out, not be mutilating him.”
Consistent with WND's anti-gay agenda, Kupelian has endorsed crimes when they are committed to harm the rights of homosexuals. Brown, a WND columnist, thinks you can't be gay and a Christian.
Professional gay-basher Matt Barber used his Feb. 6 WND column to declare that God has given him the "authority" to lecture Jenner:
First, the elephant in the room: As you ultimately know in your heart-of-hearts, this extreme path you have chosen to take at this late stage in your life is not the answer to the question, “Who is Bruce Jenner?” You must certainly be aware, if only deep down, that to “transition from male to female” is a hopeless and hapless impossibility, biologically, emotionally, spiritually and in every other way imaginable. If you have been convinced otherwise, you labor under grave deception.
There is a reason that after “sex reassignment” surgery, so-called “transgender” people commit suicide at a rate 20 times higher than normal, and, despite rationalizations to the contrary, imaginary “transphobia” is not that reason. If you follow through with this, Bruce, you will be making, second only to denying Christ, the biggest mistake of your life.
Here, in reality, is what you propose to do. You are about to irreversibly mutilate your body and scar your soul. By all accounts, you have already begun doing so. Cosmetically destroying your genitalia, adding artificial breasts and superficially altering your features to make you appear (you really won’t) as a woman, will no more make you a woman than putting fake antlers on a puppy can make it an antelope.
It will only make you the object of pity and ridicule.
You were, are and will always be the man who is Bruce Jenner the man God created you to be. My fervent prayer is that you might also become the man He intends you to be the Bruce Jenner who was created, not primarily to win gold medals, but to worship, magnify and glorify the Son of God. As Saint Augustine reflected, “Thou hast made us for Thyself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.”
You’re 65 years old. You have, what, 10, 15, maybe 20 years left? Don’t do it. Don’t destroy yourself. Don’t let this unfortunate and bizarre footnote to your life become that which defines it.
Christ is calling you, Bruce Jenner. You are not “a woman trapped in a man’s body.” You are a child of God awaiting adoption.
Please seek counsel from a biblically faithful pastor or priest. I am likewise delighted to meet with you anytime and anywhere to share with you the good news of the Gospel, which maps out the exclusive path to joy, rest and eternal salvation. My email is jmattbarber@comcast.net, if you’d ever like to talk.
Either way, I am praying for you. Many who read this are praying for you.
Needless to say, Barber does not know Jenner and, thus, cannot possibly know the struggles that led Jenner to his apparent decision to transition to a woman. Barber only wants to impose his rigid, hateful homophobic lifestyle on the country. Though he insists that his attacks are motivated by "love," it's obvious Barber's denigration of gays and transgenders is driven by nothing except hatred of those different from him.
It's unclear what study Barber is referring to that claims "so-called 'transgender' people commit suicide at a rate 20 times higher than normal"; a study released in January 2014 found that the number of transgenders who have attempted suicide is nine times the national average, not 20 times as Barber claimed.
And while Barber laughably claims that fear of transgenders is "imaginary" -- despite his column being all but devoted to ramping up transphobia -- there are reasons why transgenders have a higher suicide rate. The 2014 study reported that transgenders who domestic violence at the hands of a family member, reported strained family ties or were less educated had an even higher suicide risk.
Perhaps if Barber didn't encourage his fellow Christians to reject transgenders solely because of who they are, he might save a few lives.
Carl Jackson -- a radio host who, if he's known for anything at all, is best known for an unhinged WND rant accusing liberals of trying to "bring America down to size" by promoting soccer and touting how "sports teams like the Washington Redskins ... connect us to traditional Americanism" -- meddles as well in a Feb. 10 WND column headlined "My hope for the man Bruce Jenner," starting by citing a discredited psychiatrist:
Did you know that transgenderism is a mental disorder? Nothing more, nothing less. Dr. Paul McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current distinguished service professor of psychiatry has stated that “transgenderism is a ‘mental disorder’ that merits treatment, that sex change is ‘biologically impossible,’ and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.”
During a more sensible time in American history, a few years ago, we use to call it “gender dysphoria” or “gender identity disorder” and for good reason. Professional psychiatrists like Dr. McHugh, who are trained in mental disorders, regularly diagnosed patients who suffered from a “disorder of assumption.” Gender identity disorder is comparable to the eating disorder anorexia, where people become dangerously thin, and Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID), where a sufferer is perfectly healthy but does not accept a limb or limbs of his own and seeks to amputate them, sometimes on his own, or even become paraplegic. All of these mental disorders lie in the person’s “assumption” that they are different than the physical reality of their bodies.
Sadly, politicians, diversity counselors, leftist physicians, elitists and ignorant activists in states like California, New Jersey and Massachusetts, who presume to know more about psychological disorders than trained psychiatrists and psychologists, have climbed on their high horse and invoked laws banning mental health professionals, despite parental permission, from working to restore natural gender feelings to what is described by Dr. McHugh as a transgender minor.
Slate has detailed how McHugh "has a storied history of using his credentialed respectability to peddle the worst, most discredited, myths about gay and transgender people." Other commentators have pointed out how an anti-transgender op-ed in the Wall Street Journal by McHugh was based on selective reading of literature on the subject, a fit of either laziness or incompetence that makes him a lot less "distinguished" that Jackson thinks he is.
Does Jackson have any more unsolicited advice for Jenner? He certainly does:
It’s equally troubling to me that doctors who swear to “first do no harm” under their Hippocratic Oath would endeavor to perpetuate a mental disorder like transgenderism where the suicide rate is 20 times higher than the rate amongst non-transgender people. Transgender sufferers like Bruce Jenner will never achieve their goal of becoming a member of the opposite sex. According to Dr. McHugh, at best they’ll become “feminized men or masculinized women.” If Bruce Jenner chooses to undergo sexual reassignment surgery, it is unlikely that he’ll ever experience a sexual orgasm again; conveniently, he’ll never have a menstrual cycle or menopause like real women; and smegma-mucus from his makeshift vagina will have to be flushed out routinely due to its shallow walls. Disgusting, yes, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
If that weren’t enough, according to Dr. McHugh, “for those who had sexual reassignment surgery, most said they were ‘satisfied’ with the operation, but their subsequent psycho-social adjustments were no better than those who didn’t have the surgery.” This is the reason Johns Hopkins Hospital, the very place that pioneered sexual reassignment surgery, has stopped performing these surgeries. They no longer saw a need to amputate “normal organs.” If proponents of the transgender movement were really compassionate and caring, they wouldn’t seek to subject mentally ill patients to a life filled with turmoil and mutilation!
God doesn’t make mistakes, and he certainly didn’t with Bruce Jenner. I don’t know how long Mr. Jenner has struggled with his mental illness, but I know with advanced technology, counseling and medicine, the tools exist for him to conquer his disorder. I wish his family, friends and community were informed and courageous enough to convey that to him, and insist that he remains the patriarch of the family. They don’t need another matriarch. They’ve got Kris.
God may not make mistakes, but don't expect Jackson to admit he made a mistake by parroting the views of a biased, discredited doctor.