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Monday, February 15, 2010
Farah Tries, Fails to Divide Citizenship, Eligibility Wings of Birtherism
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Is Joseph Farah conceding that Barack Obama is an American citizen?

That's one interpretation of his recent attempts to decouple questions about Obama's citizenship from questions about eligibility -- even though Obama's citizenship status is at the heart of the birther issue.

Last week, Farah insisted that it's a "lie " to claim that birthers are questioning Obama's citizenship. Now, Farah's Feb. 15 column is a letter to Newsweek demanding a retraction for its "blatantly defamatory" listing of Farah as among those who say Obama "wasn't born in the good old US of A, hence isn't a natural-born citizen and therefore cannot legally be president":

While I have written tens of thousands of words about the subject of Barack Obama's eligibility and talked for dozens of hours on the public airwaves and given hundreds of interviews on this subject, never have I stated that Obama was not born in the United States.

Therefore, I demand an immediate apology and retraction.

Farah is trying to bamboozle Newsweek (and you). Farah may or may not be on record as saying those exact words, Farah, by himself and via his WND subordinates, have certainly promoted the idea that Obama is not a citizen.

As we've previously noted, Farah has on at least two occasions repeated the claim that Obama's grandmother has said that Obama was born in Kenya. (A claim, by the way, which is completely false, and which WND has yet to correct.) That is making the claim by implication that Obama is not a citizen.

As recently as Feb. 4, WND reporters were referencing "the growing ranks of officials and prominent commentators who say they are unsure of whether President Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen."

And if Farah wasn't questioning whether Obama is a citizen, it wouldn't have published a supposed "Kenyan birth certificate" without first trying to verify if it was authentic (it wasn't).

Farah's effort to decouple citizenship from eligibility is bizarre and futile. The only issue being raised regarding Obama's eligibility to be president is the citizenship issue. If Farah is not questioning Obama's citizenship, he has no case to challenge his eligibility.

So, Mr. Farah, will you concede that Obama is a citizen? Because that's exactly what you're doing in claiming that citizenship is not an issue. Or is birtherism too big a business for you to forthrightly state the truth?

Posted by Terry K. at 12:41 PM EST
Newsmax Still Rewarding Humes For His Obama Smear
Topic: Newsmax

How come John L. Perry lost his Newsmax column, while James Humes has not?

Perry was the columnist who essentially advocated a military coup against President Obama -- and has not written for Newsmax since. Humes viciously and falsely smeared Obama by inventing words to put in Obama's mouth, and all he was required to do was alter his column to walk things back a little. At no point was he made to apologize for his lie.

And yet, Humes has been rewarded for his perfidy, not only with a speaking slot on the upcoming Newsmax cruise, he's still writing a column. His latest takes a look at Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. Humes writes of them: "About the only thing they had in common was their height and their honesty."

We don't know how tall Humes is, but he has already demonstrated he does not have honesty in common with the men he's writing about. The same goes for Newsmax.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:33 AM EST
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily

It seems that Marxist President Obama is taking a lesson from Vladimir Lenin, leader of the Russian Bolsheviks who took over Russia in October 1917 and began imposing communist policies over the economy, which then led to widespread famine.

Fearing a counter-revolution, Lenin decided to make some small concessions to the capitalist and free-market instincts of the peasants and petty bourgeoisie by enacting a New Economic Policy. It was necessary to take that one step back in order to later take two steps forward.

Lenin's New Economic Policy restored some positive economic activity, which was later halted by Stalin who proceeded to take two giant steps forward in communizing the entire economy. Lenin had said: "A wise communist will not be afraid of learning from a capitalist." And Stalin continued to learn from capitalists on how to run a totalitarian dictatorship with their help.

Therefore, it ought not to surprise anyone that Communist China has learned to adopt capitalist economic policies while still maintaining total communist control. It is a master of the "one step back, two steps forward" strategy, which keeps it in power.

Of course, the United States is neither Russia nor China, nor is this 1921. But there is no doubt that the present ruler in the White House and his associates came into office determined to impose a totalitarian socialist government over the United States.

-- Samuel L. Blumenfeld, Feb. 15 WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 9:44 AM EST
Same Cliff Kincaid Anti-Gay Freak-Out, Different Day
Topic: Accuracy in Media

Another day, another gay-bashing Accuracy in Media column by Cliff Kincaid disingenuously endorsing the proposed anti-gay law in Uganda.

Does Kincaid admit that the billwould allow the death penalty merely for homosexual behavior? Nope. Does Kincaid admit that most HIV in Uganda is spread via heterosexual contact? Nope. Does Kincaid once again baselessly present the opinions of two people as somehow being representative of the whole of Uganda? Yup.

Same hate, different day.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:46 AM EST
This Is The Media Cheering?
Topic: Media Research Center

Ina Feb. 9 MRC Culture & Media Institute item, Sarah Knoploh invokes the Depiction-Equals-Approval Fallacy by claiming that actress Anne Hathaway's decision to leave the Catholic Church was met by "media cheers." How so? "USA Today, New York magazine and The Huffington Post used the public break as an opportunity to scold the Church."

Knoploh's definition of "scolding," it seems, is as skewed as declaring short blurbs in three unrelated media outlets to be "cheers." There's no "scolding" going on; all these outlets did is report what Hathaway has said on the issue. All three outlets reported Hathway statement that "Why should I support an organization that has a limited view of my beloved brother?"

Knoploh also took offense at references to the Catholic church's "intolerant views on homosexuality," but she doesn't dispute the accuracy of the characterization.

Kolploh also appears to scoff at the idea that Hathaway once thought as a child about becoming a nun. Speaking from experience, it's not uncommon for a Catholic child to consider the priesthood or sisterhood at some point in their childhoods, however fleetingly.

Knoploh's wildly inaccurate confusion of reporting and opinion is apparently encouraged at CMI; Carolyn Plocher, in a Feb. 11 CMI post, referenced how Hathaway "recently announced to a cheering media" she was leaving the church.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:17 AM EST
Sunday, February 14, 2010
NewsBusters' False Claim About Weather Exploded
Topic: NewsBusters

There's a lot of global warming bamboozlement going on at NewsBusters right now in the wake of the back-to-back snowstorms that hit the East Coast, but the most egregious example has to be Mark Finkelstein's denial of the basic meterological fact that the warmer air is, the more moisture it can hold. Media Matters and Sadly, No! both demolished this claim.

NewsBusters in general, and Noel Sheppard in particalar, is a teeming hive of global warming bamboozlement.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:45 PM EST
Updated: Monday, February 15, 2010 10:08 PM EST
Tancredo's Tea Party Remarks Finally Noticed At WND -- In Tancredo's Column
Topic: WorldNetDaily

The good news: More than a week after they were first made, WorldNetDaily finally got around to noting Tom Tancredo's remarks at the National Tea Party Convention insulting Obama voters and calling for a "civics literacy test" before being allowed to vote (despite WND having a reporter covering events there). The bad news: they were noted by Tancredo himself in his column, and he's trying to defend them.

Tancredo's Feb. 13 WND column provides a disingenuous and misleading defense:

I did not say in Nashville that all 67 million Obama voters are illiterate rabble who would fail a civics literacy test. What I did suggest and what I believe is that in the 2008 presidential election, the margin of victory for Obama was provided by people who would not be at the polls if we had meaningful civics literacy requirements for voting. 

That statement provoked a stream of angry e-mail messages from outraged Obama voters, many of whom proudly proclaimed their advanced degrees in art history, Egyptology and political science. The message was as consistent as it was strident: What an ignoramus I must be to question the educational level of Obama voters!

My tea-party remarks had nothing to do with educational credentials or even IQ. We are all painfully aware that Barack Obama, like Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton before him, got more votes from college professors than his Republican opponent. 

Let's go to the tape:

And then, something really odd happened, mostly because I think that we do not have a civics literacy test before people can vote in this country. People who could not even spell the word "vote," or say it in English, put a committed socialist idealogue in the White House, name is Barack Hussein Obama.

He said nothing about "margin of victory," and has remarks as stated can only be described as a general insult against all Obama voters. (Oh, and Tancredo fails to quote his own exact words in his defense.)

He continues:

My remarks were aimed at the electorate's lack of civics literacy, which is quite different. Literacy in civics and American history is not necessarily enhanced by additional years of higher education devoted to increasingly specialized expertise in some field.

I have often suggested that new voters should be required to pass the civics literacy test already given to immigrants who want to become naturalized citizens. Yet, my suggestion was twisted into the idea that I want to see a return to "Jim Crow laws" that were used to keep blacks from voting.

This distortion of my proposal requires two acts of self-deception. First, it requires you to believe that minorities will fail any civics test, an idea that is highly insulting to all minorities. Secondly, it requires a willful disregard of the real history of Jim Crow laws. Blacks were not kept from voting by the laws themselves but the blatant discriminatory way they were administered by local officials. It is absurd to claim that any civics literacy test will be discriminatory, yet that is how my proposal was described by leftist bloggers and liberal journalists like E.J. Dionne.

Tancredo misses the point. Literacy tests have been outlawed precisely because of their potential for abuse to keep "undesirables" from voting, as happened in the Jim Crow South. And Tancredo himself expresses a discriminatory motive in favoring their reinstatement: to prevent "undesirables" -- that is, people who think differently from himself -- from voting.

Discrimination is discrimination, whether it's racial or ideological. Too bad Tancredo doesn't see the difference.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:20 AM EST
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Palling-Around-With-Terrorists Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily
On Feb. 15, Joseph Farah will once again serve as guest host for convicted felon and domestic terrorist G. Gordon Liddy's radio show.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:39 PM EST
Meanwhile ...
Topic: The ConWeb
We wrote this week's Media Matters weekly summary, where we pay special attention to Dana Perino's role as the factually challenged press secretary in exile at Fox News. Read it.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:29 AM EST
Friday, February 12, 2010
Anderson Cooper Derangement Syndrome Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily

The tough tenor toward the missionaries from Central Valley Baptist Church in Meridian, Idaho, was set by CNN alpha female Anderson Cooper. The activist anchor and his houseboys in Haiti had been exceedingly hard on the hapless group, whose aim it was to, first, whisk the children to the Dominican Republic and, next, help "each child find healing, hope, joy and new life in Christ," as well as "opportunities for adoption into a loving Christian family."


In fairness, Anderson is not working with much. He suffers from what Peter Brimelow, editor of VDARE.COM, has termed intellectual inertia. It infects most mainstream journalists. Put less politely, Anderson's stupid. How is he to know that a legal burden must be met before a manifestly ludicrous prosecution proceeds? Hopefully, a Haitian justice has taught Anderson a legal lesson (and some humility).

-- Ilana Mercer, Feb. 12 WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 10:23 PM EST
Kessler Misleads to Protect Bush Admin
Topic: Newsmax

In a Feb. 12 Newsmax column, Ronald Kessler appears to be cribbing from Dana Perino's talking points regarding comparisons between alleged "underwear bomber" Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and shoe bomber Richard Reid:

Holder and White House officials have cited the fact that the Bush administration gave the same rights to shoe bomber Richard Reid as to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab after his arrest in Detroit.

The comparisons are misleading. Reid was arrested three months after 9/11, before the Bush administration had established military tribunals and procedures for dealing with such threats outside of civilian courts.

In fact, the Bush administration placed numerous people in military custody before and around the time that Reid was arrested, which seemed not to have been hindered by the alleged lack of a military tribunal system.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:37 PM EST
WND Birthers Rail Against Fellow Right-Wingers for Rejecting Birtherism
Topic: WorldNetDaily

How desperate are the birthers at WorldNetDaily getting? They're turning against longtime right-wing allies that won't join their conspiracy.

In his Feb. 10 column, Joseph Farah lashed out at Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly for ridiculing his obsession, insisting that they're the real conspiracy theorists because they think President Obama benefits from such a fringe obsession.

This was followed, almost as in lockstep, by a Feb. 11 WND column by Farah's successor at the Western Journalism Center, Floyd Brown, who similarly bashed Beck and O'Reilly, then added Andrew Breitbart to the mix. Brown lovingly calls Farah "heroic" for pursuing this obsession.

But Brown also seems to be turning his back on the so-called investigation the WJC has done on the subject. Brown writes that a curiously unnamed investigator for WJC found  that "It would have been very easy for a relative to forge an absent parent's signature [to a Hawaiian birth certificate in 1961] to a form and mail it in." But this seems to contradict the WJC's previous claim that Hawaii would not issue a birth certificate for a child born out of state that claimed the child was born in Hawaii.

Further, just because something is theoretically possible does not mean it's likely, as Brown and the WJC seems to be suggesting regarding Obama. There's no evidence whatsoever that any member of Obama's family had any motivation to ensure Barack was designated as Hawaii-born if he was not.

This is the kind of conspiracy-mongering that is causing the likes of Beck, O'Reilly and Breitbart to remain at arm's length from birthers. But Farah and Brown would like to pretend otherwise.

Meanwhile, Farah still wasn't done ranting about it. In his Feb. 12 column,  he rails again at O'Rreilly and Beck, accusing them of flip-flopping on the subject.

Farah has devoted every column this week to the subject of birtherism. Is someone feeling a little defensive?

Posted by Terry K. at 12:18 PM EST
Aversion to 'Gay' At CNS, WND Explained

Ever wonder why won't use the word "gay" (and even censors it in its comments) and WorldNetDaily puts it in scare quotes, and both make copious use of the word "homosexual"?

A newly released CBS/New York Times poll found that 57 percent of Americans approve of "homosexuals" serving in the military -- but when "homosexuals" was replaced by "gay men and lesbians," support jumped to 70 percent. On the question of "serving openly," 44 percent were in favor when "homosexuals" was used, but 58 percent were in favor when "gay men and lesbians" was used.

The insistence on thte part of CNS and WND on using "homosexual" over "gay" seems to confirm that, as AmericaBlog notes, the intent in doing so is derogatory.

Perhaps the respective poohbahs at CNS and WND would like to explain their usage to their readers, just in case we're wrong.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:40 AM EST
Thursday, February 11, 2010
WND Birthers Sever Ties With Longtime Allies
Topic: WorldNetDaily

How desperate are the birthers at WorldNetDaily getting? They're turning against longtime right-wing allies that won't join their conspiracy.

In his Feb. 10 column, Joseph Farah lashed out at Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly for ridiculing his obsession, insisting that they're the real conspiracy theorists because they think President Obama benefits from such a fringe obsession.

This was followed, almost as in lockstep, by a Feb. 11 WND column by Farah's successor at the Western Journalism Center, Floyd Brown, who similarly bashed Beck and O'Reilly, then added Andrew Breitbart to the mix. Brown lovingly calls Farah "heroic" for pursuing this obsession.

But Brown also seems to be turning his back on the so-called investigation the WJC has done on the subject. Brown writes that a curiously unnamed investigator for WJC found  that "It would have been very easy for a relative to forge an absent parent's signature [to a Hawaiian birth certificate in 1961] to a form and mail it in." But this seems to contradict the WJC's previous claim that Hawaii would not issue a birth certificate for a child born out of state that claimed the child was born in Hawaii.

Further, just because something is theoretically possible does not mean it's likely, as Brown and the WJC seems to be suggesting regarding Obama. There's no evidence whatsoever that any member of Obama's family had any motivation to ensure Barack was designated as Hawaii-born if he was not.

This is the kind of conspiracy-mongering that is causing the likes of Beck, O'Reilly and Breitbart to remain at arm's length from birthers. But Farah and Brown would like to pretend otherwise. And WND's abrogation of the basic tenets of journalism by letting the first word about Tancredo's remarks on its website come in the form of Tancredo defending in a column WND is paying him to write is nothing less than appalling.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:42 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, February 14, 2010 10:56 AM EST
WND Gay-Bashing Fail
Topic: WorldNetDaily

A Feb. 10 WorldNetDaily article by Bob Unruh is a veritable symphony of gay-bashing, baselessly portraying a bill by a "homosexual congressman from Colorado" as a power grab for favorite WND whipping boy Kevin Jennings to institute his "homo-genda" -- a phrase that, despite appearing in quotes in the headline, appears nowhere in the article, quoted or otherwise. As an authority for what the bill purportedly does, Unruh consulted rabidly anti-gay right-winger Linda Harvey, who even admits that she can't prove a thing she's saying.

Media Matters has more.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:01 PM EST

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