Topic: WorldNetDaily
On Feb. 15, Joseph Farah will once again serve as guest host for convicted felon and domestic terrorist G. Gordon Liddy's radio show.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Meanwhile ...
Topic: The ConWeb We wrote this week's Media Matters weekly summary, where we pay special attention to Dana Perino's role as the factually challenged press secretary in exile at Fox News. Read it.
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:29 AM EST
Friday, February 12, 2010
Anderson Cooper Derangement Syndrome Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily
-- Ilana Mercer, Feb. 12 WorldNetDaily column
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:23 PM EST
Kessler Misleads to Protect Bush Admin
Topic: Newsmax In a Feb. 12 Newsmax column, Ronald Kessler appears to be cribbing from Dana Perino's talking points regarding comparisons between alleged "underwear bomber" Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and shoe bomber Richard Reid:
In fact, the Bush administration placed numerous people in military custody before and around the time that Reid was arrested, which seemed not to have been hindered by the alleged lack of a military tribunal system.
Posted by Terry K.
at 9:37 PM EST
WND Birthers Rail Against Fellow Right-Wingers for Rejecting Birtherism
Topic: WorldNetDaily How desperate are the birthers at WorldNetDaily getting? They're turning against longtime right-wing allies that won't join their conspiracy. In his Feb. 10 column, Joseph Farah lashed out at Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly for ridiculing his obsession, insisting that they're the real conspiracy theorists because they think President Obama benefits from such a fringe obsession. This was followed, almost as in lockstep, by a Feb. 11 WND column by Farah's successor at the Western Journalism Center, Floyd Brown, who similarly bashed Beck and O'Reilly, then added Andrew Breitbart to the mix. Brown lovingly calls Farah "heroic" for pursuing this obsession. But Brown also seems to be turning his back on the so-called investigation the WJC has done on the subject. Brown writes that a curiously unnamed investigator for WJC found that "It would have been very easy for a relative to forge an absent parent's signature [to a Hawaiian birth certificate in 1961] to a form and mail it in." But this seems to contradict the WJC's previous claim that Hawaii would not issue a birth certificate for a child born out of state that claimed the child was born in Hawaii. Further, just because something is theoretically possible does not mean it's likely, as Brown and the WJC seems to be suggesting regarding Obama. There's no evidence whatsoever that any member of Obama's family had any motivation to ensure Barack was designated as Hawaii-born if he was not. This is the kind of conspiracy-mongering that is causing the likes of Beck, O'Reilly and Breitbart to remain at arm's length from birthers. But Farah and Brown would like to pretend otherwise. Meanwhile, Farah still wasn't done ranting about it. In his Feb. 12 column, he rails again at O'Rreilly and Beck, accusing them of flip-flopping on the subject. Farah has devoted every column this week to the subject of birtherism. Is someone feeling a little defensive?
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:18 PM EST
Aversion to 'Gay' At CNS, WND Explained
Topic: Ever wonder why won't use the word "gay" (and even censors it in its comments) and WorldNetDaily puts it in scare quotes, and both make copious use of the word "homosexual"? A newly released CBS/New York Times poll found that 57 percent of Americans approve of "homosexuals" serving in the military -- but when "homosexuals" was replaced by "gay men and lesbians," support jumped to 70 percent. On the question of "serving openly," 44 percent were in favor when "homosexuals" was used, but 58 percent were in favor when "gay men and lesbians" was used. The insistence on thte part of CNS and WND on using "homosexual" over "gay" seems to confirm that, as AmericaBlog notes, the intent in doing so is derogatory. Perhaps the respective poohbahs at CNS and WND would like to explain their usage to their readers, just in case we're wrong.
Posted by Terry K.
at 8:40 AM EST
Thursday, February 11, 2010
WND Birthers Sever Ties With Longtime Allies
Topic: WorldNetDaily How desperate are the birthers at WorldNetDaily getting? They're turning against longtime right-wing allies that won't join their conspiracy. In his Feb. 10 column, Joseph Farah lashed out at Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly for ridiculing his obsession, insisting that they're the real conspiracy theorists because they think President Obama benefits from such a fringe obsession. This was followed, almost as in lockstep, by a Feb. 11 WND column by Farah's successor at the Western Journalism Center, Floyd Brown, who similarly bashed Beck and O'Reilly, then added Andrew Breitbart to the mix. Brown lovingly calls Farah "heroic" for pursuing this obsession. But Brown also seems to be turning his back on the so-called investigation the WJC has done on the subject. Brown writes that a curiously unnamed investigator for WJC found that "It would have been very easy for a relative to forge an absent parent's signature [to a Hawaiian birth certificate in 1961] to a form and mail it in." But this seems to contradict the WJC's previous claim that Hawaii would not issue a birth certificate for a child born out of state that claimed the child was born in Hawaii. Further, just because something is theoretically possible does not mean it's likely, as Brown and the WJC seems to be suggesting regarding Obama. There's no evidence whatsoever that any member of Obama's family had any motivation to ensure Barack was designated as Hawaii-born if he was not. This is the kind of conspiracy-mongering that is causing the likes of Beck, O'Reilly and Breitbart to remain at arm's length from birthers. But Farah and Brown would like to pretend otherwise. And WND's abrogation of the basic tenets of journalism by letting the first word about Tancredo's remarks on its website come in the form of Tancredo defending in a column WND is paying him to write is nothing less than appalling.
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:42 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, February 14, 2010 10:56 AM EST
WND Gay-Bashing Fail
Topic: WorldNetDaily A Feb. 10 WorldNetDaily article by Bob Unruh is a veritable symphony of gay-bashing, baselessly portraying a bill by a "homosexual congressman from Colorado" as a power grab for favorite WND whipping boy Kevin Jennings to institute his "homo-genda" -- a phrase that, despite appearing in quotes in the headline, appears nowhere in the article, quoted or otherwise. As an authority for what the bill purportedly does, Unruh consulted rabidly anti-gay right-winger Linda Harvey, who even admits that she can't prove a thing she's saying. Media Matters has more.
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:01 PM EST
'Avatar' Derangement Syndrome Watch
Topic: makes its contribution to Avatar Derangement Syndrome with a Feb. 11 article by Penny Starr detailing "Best-selling author and screenwriter" Andrew Klavan's attacks on "Avatar":
Starr baselessly claims that "Klavan is an insider when it comes to understanding liberalism in popular culture, especially when it comes to Hollywood." She doesn't disclosejust how right-wing Klavan is -- he regularly posts videos on the the right-wing PJTV, and has appeared on Glenn Beck's radio and TV shows numerous times.
Posted by Terry K.
at 6:58 PM EST
Anti-Abortion Activist Calls Out Stanek's Condoning of Tiller Murder
Topic: WorldNetDaily As we detailed last year, WorldNetDaily initially sought to distance itself from the shooting death of abortion doctor George Tiller by Scott Roeder (despite having repeatedly labeled him as "Tiller the Killer" prior to his death), depicting Roeder as mentally ill and not a part of the anti-abortion movement (even though he was). So it's interesting that most recent mentions of Roeder at WND sought to condone his murderous behavior. Jack Cashill defended the murder as a "frontier justice" necessity in columns on Nov. 12 and Jan. 14. And in a Feb. 3 column, Jill Stanek tried to have it both ways, claiming that she had "a problem with Scott Roeder murdering Tiller" while simultaneously lamenting that Roeder was not allowed to mount a "necessity" defense because it is "is anathema to both pro-aborts and the U.S. legal system thanks to abortion," going on to cite "Tiller's continued avoidance of justice." This prompted a response by Gregg Cunningham, head of the anti-abortion Center For Bio-Ethical Reform, chastising Stanek's condoning stance, which WND surprisingly published on Feb. 8:
This puts Stanek in a bit of a spot, since she previously praised Cunningham for writing an "absolutely fabulous, must read letter" in support of using graphic images of abortion during protests of President Obama's speech last year at Notre Dame; Cunningham had written that Notre Dame students who voted for Obama "must not be allowed to graduate in comfort" and called Obama a "serial-killer." Interestingly, Stanek has yet to respond to Cunningham, either in her column or on her blog. Meanwhile, a similar letter by Cunningham to anti-abortion extremist Randall Terry got a much different response -- derision and scorn from another extremist, George Offerman. So, any chance Cunningham can pen a letter to Jack Cashill?
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:54 AM EST
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily
-- Jack Cashill, Feb. 11 WorldNetDaily column
Posted by Terry K.
at 9:03 AM EST
Will Kincaid Call Out WND's Klein for Appearing on Al-Jazeera?
Topic: Accuracy in Media A Feb. 10 Accuracy in Media column by Cliff Kincaid keeps up his longtime censorship effort in trying to keep Al-Jazeera unavailable in America, denouncing it as an "Arab government-funded propaganda channel" that airs "anti-American programming designed to incite Arabs and Muslims to hate and kill Americans and Jews." But will Kincaid call out right-wingers who appear on it? At the top of that list, interestingly, is WorldNetDailiy's Aaron Klein. He has appeared on Al-Jazeera at least five times in the past year. If Klein has been aiding and abetting Al-Jazeera's mission of disseminating propaganda, shouldn't Kincaid denounce him for doing so? Or is his rage limited only to those who can be reliably pegged as liberal?
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:06 AM EST
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Kessler Copies-And-Pastes Lie About Obama
Topic: Newsmax Ronald Kessler asserted in a Feb. 8 Newsmax column: "In a Sept. 6, 2001, radio interview, Obama expressed regret that the Supreme Court hadn’t engaged in wealth redistribution." Where have we heard that before? It's almost the exact same language Kessler used in a July 2009 column. Unfortunately for Kessler, it's just as false now as it was then -- or any other time Kessler has asserted it. As we've detailed, Obama actually said that because the Supreme Court under Earl Warren did not address "redistributive change," it was evidence that the court was not as far-left as its critics have claimed. And Obama's "regret" was specifically aimed at the civil rights movement for overly relying on the court system to advance its agenda. This lie, by the way, comes in the midst of an unsubstantiated attack on Obama by someone who, Kessler tells us, "now considers himself a conservative," purportedly had a discussion of Marxism with Obama while they were college students. Another alleged participant in the conversation won’t corroborate it, and a fourth person “did not respond to a request for comment.”
Posted by Terry K.
at 3:16 PM EST
Dolce Compounds Unfunny 'Humor' With Falsehoods
Topic: WorldNetDaily Humor, theoretically, is funniest when based on the truth. But the WorldNetDaily "News! News!" segements by D.J. Dolce (aka Mrs. Molotov Mitchell), in addition to not being funny, can't get the truth part right either. One of the "jokes" in the latest video is premised on the claim that "feminist monster" Nancy Pelosi "has cost American taxpayers over $2 million in transport costs for her and her brood, $101,000 of that was spent on in-flight food and alcohol." In fact, as we've detailed, that $2 million was actually spent on transport for congressional delegations arranged by Pelosi's office, not for her personal and familiy travel.Some of those passengers, by the way, included Republican members of Congress. The Mitchells seemed to have picked up that lie from -- where else? -- WorldNetDaily. Of course, we already knew that Molotov can't get his facts right in his supposedly "For the Record" videos for WND, so it was probably too much to expect his "humor" to be fact-based. Or, for that matter, to be funny.
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:15 AM EST
Noel Sheppard Doesn't Get It
Topic: NewsBusters Did Noel Sheppard even watch the video he's claiming about? We have to wonder. Sheppard devotes an entire Feb. 9 NewsBusters post to getting huffy over Stephen Colbert calling Sarah Palin a "f**king retard" -- even though he explains the setup for it by noting that Palin excused Rush Limbaugh's use of "retard" because it was satire. Sheppard even quotes a good portion of the relevent Colbert transcript: "And Sarah Palin knows that it is okay to call someone a retard if like Rush you clearly don't mean it. Which is why we should all come to her defense and say, "Sarah Palin is a f**king retard." Get it." But Sheppard gets the end of it wrong: "Get it" is not a declaration by Colbert, it's a question, as in "Get it?" Sheppard also conveniently failed to transcribe what Colbert said immediately after that: "You see? It's satire!" Instead, Sheppard huffs: "And so, it's come this: it is now acceptable for members of the media to say anything they want about this woman no matter how vulgar. Can you imagine the outrage if anyone on television did this to a liberal woman regardless of the comedic intent?" Sheppard, meanwhile, is silent about Limbaugh's use of "retard," satiric or otherwise -- or, really, anything else Limbaugh has said, no matter how vulgar.
Posted by Terry K.
at 8:17 AM EST
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