Newsmax Obfuscates on Health Reform Criticism Topic: Newsmax
An Aug. 14 Newsmax article by David Patten recounts claims by "analysts" that President Obama is unleasing a "litany of misstatements and dubious assertions" regarding health care reform without making clear that those "analysts" are all conservatives who oppose health care reform. Suggesting that partisan conservatives are nonpartisan "experts" and "analysts" is a longtimetrope at Newsmax.
Patten also obfuscates on at least one claim, writing:
The president promised no policyholder will lose his or her current coverage. But a study commissioned by the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank concluded that more than 88 million individuals would have to shift to a new plan, if the current proposals on the table are adopted. Other estimates issued by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the Urban Institute estimate the number will be lower, but still in the millions.
The CBO estimate is, in fact, dramatically different from the Heritage-commissioned study (done by the insurer-owned Lewin Group): 2 million would switch from private coverage to a public plan. By saying only that the CBO's estimate was "lower ... but still in the millions," Patten hides the huge disparity.
Needless to say, Patten makes no mention of the "litany of misstatements and dubious assertions" made by health reform critics, i.e., "death panels."
WND's Washington Gets A Tad Misogynistic Topic: WorldNetDaily
In the midst of cribbing from the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy in trying to "draw an analogy or two about lessons we might learn as Americans as we struggle through our own battles with forces of evil: Sauron, Saruman and the ever-present Orcs in the Age of Obama," Ellis Washington drops this hateful little bomb in his Aug. 15 WorldNetDaily column:
First allow me to state emphatically that all lovers of literature should thank God that Tolkien wrote this great epic, "Lord of the Rings," in the 1950s before the miserable, anti-intellectual hags of the feminist movement got their claws into this literary genius. Eowyn isn't some myopic, shrill, angry caricature of a woman like Hillary Rodham Clinton, Michelle Obama, Sen. Barbara Mikulski, Rep. Maxine Waters, or Bella Abzug.
Shockingly, for all of the deranged insults Washington has reguularly hurled President Obama's way, he manages to restrain himself from specifically likening Obama to a Tolkien creature.
One almost has to admire the Capital Research Center's Matthew Vadum for the sheer audacity of admitting that he doesn't have the facts to support his smear of President Obama, yet going ahead with the smear anyway.
In an Aug. 13 Newsmax article suggesting that an advertiser boycott campaign of Glenn Beck's Fox News show spearheaded by the group Color for Change, co-founded by current Obama administration official Van Jones, is "being orchestrated with some high level help from the Obama White House," David Patten quotes Vadum as saying, "I don’t have proof that the White House asked Color of Change to help it fight back against Glenn Beck ... But I wouldn’t be surprised to learn it had. Van Jones has the president’s ear. It’s a few hundred feet from his office at the Council on Environmental Quality to the Oval Office."
Patten, for his part, was presumably more than pleased to have Vadum provide him with such an unsubstantiated smear to report. That, and the relative proximity of Jones' and Obama's office -- a mere football field length away from each other! -- is all the evidence Patten and Vadum offer of this purported scheme.
Patten went on to repeat more dubious claims: a mention of "the recent labeling of town hall protesters as 'un-American'" (false) and an assertion that "the leftwing blogosphere" served as "apologists for the Rev. Wright’s statements of hate against whites and Jews" (unsubstantiated). Patten also dismissed outrage at Beck's assertion that President Obama "is a racist," calling the remark "off hand."
Obama-Nazi Reference of the Day Topic: WorldNetDaily
Even when my wife and I lived in Germany for five years, I thought I would never be able to experience what the ordinary, moral German felt in the mid-1930s. In those times, the savior was a former smooth-talking demagogue rabble-rouser from the streets of Munich, not too unlike the man from Chicago at the helm of our country today. The average German knew next to nothing about him. What they did know was that he was associated with groups that shouted, shoved and pushed around people with whom they disagreed; he edged his way onto the political stage through great oratory and without a teleprompter. Economic times were tough, people were losing jobs, and he was a great speaker. And he smiled and waved a lot. People, even newspapers, were afraid to speak out for fear that his "brown shirts" would bully them into submission.
Then when he was duly elected to office, with a full-throttled economic crisis at hand (the Great Depression). Slowly but surely he seized the controls of German state power, department by department, person by person, bureaucracy by bureaucracy. The kids were forced to join a Youth Movement in his name, where they were taught what to think and how to behave. How did he get the people on his side? He did it promising jobs to the jobless, money to the moneyless and goodies for the military-industrial complex. He did it by indoctrinating the children, advocating and installing gun control to disarm the folks, health care for all, better wages, better jobs and promising to re-instill pride once again in the country, across Europe and across the world – none of which he could have done with out compliant media, just like what we are suffering through now! Did you know that? And he did this all in the name of justice and change. And the people surely got what they voted for.
NewsBusters Ignores Full Truth Behind Lewin Group Topic: NewsBusters
In the midst of complaining in an Aug. 13 NewsBusters post that CBS had on Jonathan Cohn, "senior editor of the left-wing magazine, The New Republic," to fact-check claims about health care reform plans (TNR's publisher, Iraq war supporter Martin Peretz, would be surprised to see his magazine described as "left-wing," given that he has been denounced by actual left-wingers), Kyle Drennen writes in response to the claim that people will be able to maintain their current health insurance under reform:
Despite Cohn’s assertions that glossed over the concern, a study by The Lewin Group found that the health care plan: "If fully implemented in 2011, we estimate that about 103.9 million people would become covered under the newly established public plan. Coverage under private insurance would decline by 83.4 million people. This is a 48.4 percent reduction in the number of people with private insurance (currently 172.5 million people)."
Drennen failed to note that the Lewin Group study was commissioned by the anti-reform Heritage Foundation, or that the Lewin Group is owned by an insurance company, UnitedHealth Group, which has a stake in not wanting people to switch from private insurance.
Further, Drennen made no mention of a Congressional Budget Office study, which found that only 2 million people would switch from employer coverage to the public plan.
CNS' Jeffrey Puts Words In Obama's Mouth Topic:
In an Aug. 14 article, Terry Jeffrey asserted that President Obama "referred to American opponents of amnesty for illegal aliens as 'demagogues.'"
But Obama said nothing about "amnesty." Answering a question about "comprehensive immigration reform," Obama said, "There are going to be demagogues out there who try to suggest that any form of pathway for legalization for those who are already in the United States is unacceptable."
Jeffrey provides no evidence that the proposed "pathway for legalization" is "amnesty," or even that only "pathway" critics (like Jeffrey) refer to any legalization pathway as "amnesty."
Jeffrey has previously baselessly conflated comprehensive immigration reform with undefined "amnesty."
Joseph Farah runs a news organization, WorldNetDaily, that has told repeatedlies about Barack Obama. It has preachedhatred of the president, likening him to Nazis and even the Antichrist. It employsreporters seemingly unable to tell a factual, unbiased story.
And somehow Farah has the sheer audacity to attack other news organizations for being "debauched, faithless, nefarious, reprobate and unprincipled"? And then to claim that "my little Internet-based news organization provides something of an antidote to this mind-control, liberty-denying poison all around us"?
We don't know what to say, except that Farah is apparently incapable of self-reflection. Or is so far down the rabbit hole that he no longer cares about the facts (or has decided that cashing in on his hate is more important).
Examiner Columnist Hides Full Story of Man With Gun At Obama Rally Topic: Washington Examiner
An Aug. 13 Washington Examiner column by Gregory Kane noted that "Someone at a New Hampshire rally President Obama attended to promote health-care legislation was carrying a handgun," then dismissed the threat because "the man with the gun was nowhere near Obama."
Kane doesn't define "nowhere near Obama," nor does he say how close a man with a gun must get to the president of the United States to be considered a threat. Kane also failed to note that the man with the gun was also carrying a sign reading, "It is time to water the tree of liberty," an apparent reference to the Thomas Jefferson quote, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
CNS Misleads on 2000 Florida Recount Topic:
From an Aug. 13 article by Patrick Goodenough:
The claim that Bush won unfairly still has its supporters despite the fact that a comprehensive review carried out by a consortium of eight news organizations concluded the following year that Bush would have won even if the U.S. Supreme Court had not ruled as it did.
“Contrary to what many partisans of former Vice President Al Gore have charged, the United States Supreme Court did not award an election to Mr. Bush that otherwise would have been won by Mr. Gore,” the New York Times reported in November 2001.
“A close examination of the ballots found that Mr. Bush would have retained a slender margin over Mr. Gore if the Florida court’s order to recount more than 43,000 ballots had not been reversed by the United States Supreme Court.”
That's an incomplete reading of the Times article, which went on to state:
But the consortium, looking at a broader group of rejected ballots than those covered in the court decisions, 175,010 in all, found that Mr. Gore might have won if the courts had ordered a full statewide recount of all the rejected ballots. This also assumes that county canvassing boards would have reached the same conclusions about the disputed ballots that the consortium's independent observers did. The findings indicate that Mr. Gore might have eked out a victory if he had pursued in court a course like the one he publicly advocated when he called on the state to "count all the votes."
For Goodenough to complain that the idea that "Bush won unfairly still has its supporters" overlooks not only that there were scenarios in which Gore could have won in Florida but also the fact that the Supreme Court halted a recount that would have helped to put the idea to rest.
Cashill Still Hiding Facts to Defend Killer, Smear Victim Topic: WorldNetDaily
In his Aug. 13 WorldNetDaily column, Jack Cashill returns once again to his current cause celebre, Steven Nary, convicted of killing a gay man, Juan Pifarre, in 1996 and recently denied parole.
As before, Cashill attempts to denigrate the victim as suggesting he deserved to be murdered not only because he was gay but because he was "an immigrant, an illegal one, who got a green card through a sham marriage" and "an angry coke-head." As before, Cashill whitewashes Nary's actions, not mentioning that Nary allowed Pifarre to perform oral sex on him, for which Pifarre offered to pay Nary $40, or that Nary told police he choked Pifarre for five minutes, or the apartment where Nary killed Pifarre was strewn with blood, or that Nary originally denied any sexual contact with Pifarre and told the Navy medic who treated the broken hand Nary suffered in killing Pifarre that he had hurt it playing basketball.
Cashill bizarrely complained that the district attorney at Nary's parole hearing "chastised Nary for not calling 911 after he had fled Pifarre's apartment in the early hours of the morning. That he had called the police of his own accord days later scored him no points." So it's the thought that counts? Wouldn't a truly repentant killer with conscience have called 911 immediately, when there might have been a chance to save Pifarre's life? Waiting days to call 911 for someone long dead is a meaningless gesture.
But then, Cashill's overeagerness to defend a killer and denigrate his victim is a tad meaningless as well.
Farah: Grandmother May Be Obama's Real Mother Topic: WorldNetDaily
Right Wing Watch reports that on some obscure right-wing talk show called "Crosstalk," WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah suggested that Barack Obama's maternal grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, was really his mother:
Well, Madelyn Dunham is a very interesting person. As you know, Barack ... the ... and I want to be careful when he identify people as "mother," "father," "grandmother," and so forth because honestly I don't think we know with any certainty whatsoever who those players are in Barack Obama's life. And perhaps he doesn't either. I suspect he does, but it's possible he doesn't know. And it is entirely within the realm of possibility that Madelyn Dunham was his mother and there's a lot of circumstantial evidence to suggest that."
Right Wing Watch adds: "if this were in fact true, wouldn't it demolish the Birther movement's foundational claim that Obama in ineligible to be president because was born in Kenya?"
This particular claim has not been mentioned at WND, but they seem to be building up to it with things like an Aug. 4 article by Jerome Corsi raising questions about Obama's parentage because Stanley Ann Dunham, "was registered for college classes in Seattle only 15 days after reportedly delivering her first-born child in Honolulu."
Does Farah have the guts to tout this conspiracy at his own website instead of the dog-whistle frequency of right-wing radio? We shall see.
The "Crosstalk" radio show, by the way, is operated by a ministry called VCY America, which (like Farah) despises Rick Warren and his "Purpose Driven Life" model.
In an attempt to distance conservatives from the Nazi imagery some right-wingers have used at town hall protests, Seton Motley uses an Aug. 12 NewsBusters post to highlight the fact that Lyndon LaRouche-linked groups are the ones behind one particular image, one of President Obama with a Hitler-like mustache.
Making sure to copy from LaRouche's Wikipedia that "LaRouche has run for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States seven times" -- and failing to note that no mainstream Democrat supports LaRouche-- Motley also repeatedly calls LaRouche a "Communist." Really?
While LaRouche's Wikipedia page notes that LaRouche began his political career as a Trotskyite, it also points out that the Communist Party USA tried to "eliminate" LaRouche. And while LaRouche may hold some left-leaning views, he also holds some right-leaning views as well, such as disdain for the counterculture and global warming skepticism, as well as oppositon to globalism.
Nevertheless, Motley insists: "It could very well be that many (most? all?) of the swastikas and Hitler images on display at these rallies are being toted by supporters of the very Leftist LaRouche, and not the conservatives to whom the media so readily and repeatedly ascribe them." Given right-wingers' enthusiasm for likening Obama to Nazis, that's likely not the case.
UPDATE: An Aug. 13 post by Motley describes LaRouche as an "esoteric left-winger" who "most certainly can not be described as a conservative" -- even though, as noted above, he supports traditional values and is a global warming denier.
WND's Washington Slobbers All Over Farah Topic: WorldNetDaily
Ellis Washington writes in his Aug. 11 WorldNetDaily column that he doesn't want his tribute to Joseph Farah "to become unduly fawning." And it doesn't become unduly fawning -- it becomes embarrassingly (and falsely) so:
Farah alone continues defending himself against universal blacklisting and vicious libel and slander leveled against his name by socialist radicals and the state-controlled media for 12 years since his cofounding of WorldNetDaily with his dear wife, Elizabeth.
In conclusion, Joseph Farah is a man's man. He is fearless and is loyal only to God, America and the truth. His indefatigable spirit and prolific output in writing an original and interesting column every day, as well as path-breaking books such as "Taking America Back: A Radical Plan to Revive Freedom, Morality and Justice," his informative online intelligence newsletter, Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, and many news articles from a career as a professional journalist spanning over 30 years, is an achievement that even conservative icon Bill Buckley would be envious of.
Exceeding gratitude to you, Joseph Farah, and to all the editors, writers and staff at WorldNetDaily for being a clarion voice of Veritas (truth), when all other voices have either been silenced or compromised.
Washington clearly does not know Farah like we do.
First and foremost, he does not care about the truth. He is a liar. He and his WorldNetDaily employees have repeatedlylied about Barack Obama. Farah has lied about us.
Second, he is not fearless -- as demonstrated by his list of demands before he would appear on "The O'Reilly Factor," chief among them being that he would not have to stoop to appearing with any other guests. O'Reilly declined to give in to Farah's demands.
And Farah himself says he's an activist, not a journalist.
So take away the illusion of truth, fearlessness and journalism, what is left for Washington (or anyone, really) to admire about Farah?
Yes, but what mythological or historical hero does he bear a resemblance to that only you can see? Michael Savage is Prometheus and Captain Dreyfus. You’re Sisyphus this week. Even Obama got to be Emmanuel Goldstein from 1984. You ask me, Farah ain’t getting his 20 bucks worth here.
Ponte Hits the Hateful Talking Points Topic: Newsmax
Lowell Ponte is down with all the hateful right-wing talking points on health-care reform in his Aug. 11 Newsmax column.
Falsely claiming that Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer "accused health reform critics of being 'un-American'" when, in fact, they asserted that "Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American"? Check.
Hypocritically denouncing Pelosi's criticism of Nazi imagery by protesters at town halls whileclaiming that "Obamocracy 2009" has a "chilling resemblance to 1936 Germany"?
Simply making up stuff in claiming that "By age 7, Pelosi was already accustomed to demanding political payoffs in telephone calls with those needing her father's favors"? Check. Making up more stuff in claiming that Barney Frank and Chris Dodd "threatened and bullied banks into making millions of home loans to NINJAs, people with No Income and No Job"? Check again.
Needless viciousness in claiming that any plane Pelosi is on is "said to be designated Broomstick One"? Double check.
An Aug. 10 email by right-wing retailer The Patriot Depot, sent out on the Newsmax mailing list, touted the Aug. 2 WorldNetDaily article presenting what it purported to be Barack Obama's "Kenyan birth certificate." The WND article was further touted on the Patriot Depot's blog.
But WND itself conceded that the certificate was a fake four days before the Patriot Depot sent its email out.
The Patriot Depot folks need to keep current on their conspiracies.