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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Getting It Wrong About Winter Soldier (Again)
Topic: Newsmax
A documentary about the Winter Soldier investigation will receive some screenings across the country -- which provides a new opportunity for NewsMax to lie about it.

An Aug. 10 article by Dave Eberhart claims that Vietnam veterans "believe the film was thoroughly discredited" and quotes anti-Kerry activist B.G. Burkett as saying, "It's pretty much settled now that much of the so-called atrocities was the product of outright fabrications and some even offered by persons with criminal records." Eberhart also calls the film "a campy favorite on the nation's college campuses" but doesn't explain how people confessing to war atrocities could be considered "campy." Another Aug. 10 article claims that the film "has been discredited by many vets."

But as ConWebWatch has previously noted, the Winter Soldier investigation has never been seriously discredited. Burkett's claims to that effect rely on a Navy report (which nobody can seem to find now) detailed by author Gunther Lewy, who now claims that he does not recall if he actually saw a copy of the report or was briefed on its contents.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:07 PM EDT
Vox Does It Again
Topic: WorldNetDaily
Amanda at Pandagon has performed a fine takedown of WorldNetDaily columnist Vox Day's latest weirdly anti-women's rights column.

When last we saw Mr. Day, he was calling Hillary Clinton a Nazi.

Then and Now
Topic: Media Research Center
"The MRC's archive is packed with documentation of liberal bias from Peter Jennings, who was frequently cited in CyberAlert ..."

-- Brent Baker, MRC CyberAlert, Aug. 8

"The Media Research Center offers its condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of Peter Jennings upon learning of his passing. His was as full a career as any network journalist could hope to have in an industry that is known for constant turnover. Mr. Jennings’ journalistic accomplishments and longevity at the height of his profession will always command honor and respect."

-- MRC front page, Aug. 9

It took a day, but the MRC ultimately showed some class regarding Peter Jennings, which is more than we can say for David Horowitz.

Even as Baker used his Aug. 8 CyberAlert to remind readers how allegedly biased Jennings was, he took a revisionist tack on a statement Jennings made in 2002, suggesting that Jennings' claim that he was raised "with anti-Americanism in my blood, or in my mother's milk at least" was "a bit of humor."

But if you go back to Baker's original CyberAlert item on it, there's no evidence he found humor in Jennings' remarks; in fact, he saw it as a confirmation of Jennings' purported liberalness. After quoting Jennings later saying that "I sometimes forget I'm not American because I've got America in my soul now," Baker added: "Politically liberal America, that is."

Posted by Terry K. at 12:26 PM EDT
Bozell Lies About Air America
Topic: Media Research Center
If the Media Research Center is going to be running around accusing people of not reporting a story, it should be a little more accurate about what's not being reported.

An Aug. 9 statement by MRC chief Brent Bozell claims that there is a "media blackout" on financial irregularities at a New York City Boys & Girls Club because of allegedly loaning money to liberal radio network Air America. Bozell describes Evan Cohen, the figure named in the club's irregularities, as "the chairman of Air America."

In fact, Cohen has not had any involvement with Air America since May 2004.

Get your facts straight, Brent.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:32 AM EDT
NewsMax's Double Standard on Scandals
Topic: Newsmax
We learn from an Aug. 9 NewsMax article that the fact that Jeanine Pirro's husband was convicted of tax fraud and fathered an out-of-wedlock child is "old news" and "dirty laundry."

Despite this sudden turnabout on the propriety of reporting on the personal scandals of a public figure, don't expect NewsMax to repudiate its reporting of every scandalous thing it could find about the Clintons, regardless of its veracity. Heck, it won't even admit that Ed Klein's anti-Hillary book has factual errors in it.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:07 AM EDT
New Article: Accuracy in Spin
Topic: Accuracy in Media
The only accuracy that Accuracy in Media seems to care about these days is accurately repeating conservative talking points. Read more.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:50 AM EDT
Monday, August 8, 2005
NewsMax's New Favorite Politician
Topic: Newsmax
To nobody's surprise, NewsMax is heavily promoting Jeanine Pirro's planned candidacy for Hillary Clinton's New York Senate seat -- heck, it was doing that back in June.

What do you think the chances are that NewsMax will tell its readers about Pirro's extremely well-paid (by taxpayer money) driver-slash-bodyguard (even as she was laying off attorneys from her DA office due to budget cuts)? We're thinking somewhere on the slim-to-none side of the spectrum.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:04 PM EDT
Joseph Farah, Minuteman
Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah has declared his fealty to the Minutemen border-watcher group, proudly proclaiming in an Aug. 1 column that "I volunteered to join this courageous band of American patriots as a volunteer border watcher this fall."

Is Farah aware that he will be spending his Minuteman stint with white supremacists and neo-Nazis? David Neiwert tells all about it.

Perhaps Farah should spend a column explaining why he has chosen to associate with white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:34 PM EDT
New MRC Blog
Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Research Center has a new group blog, NewsBusters, headed by Matthew and Greg Sheffield, described on the "about" page as "the creators of the creators of the influential web site" Um, OK...

We can see that ol' MRC bias slipping in already: Dead conservative-friendly journalists are getting a better sendoff than dead journalists the MRC doesn't like. Thus, NewsBusters serves up headlines like "Pro-war Iraq journalist Steven Vincent, RIP" ("Unlike many (most?) journos covering the war in Iraq, Vincent supported the invasion," poster Clay Waters of MRC's TimesWatch noted) and "David Shaw, RIP" (Shaw wrote a series claiming that news coverage of abortion was tilted toward the "pro-choice" view), the death of ABC's Peter Jennings gets only the headline "Peter Jennings Dead."

Apparently, the MRC doesn't want Jennings to rest in peace.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:51 PM EDT
Logrolling In Our Time
Topic: WorldNetDaily
An Aug. 8 WorldNetDaily article pimping WND managing Editor David Kupelian's new WND-published book "The Marketing of Evil" claims on the front-page link blurb that the book has received "widespread, rave reviews."

Rave, sure. Widespread? Not so much. Of the 14 people in the article quoted as praising the book, five -- Michelle Malkin, Hal Lindsey, David Limbaugh, Laura Schlessinger and Rebecca Hagelin -- are current WND columnists, six others -- Judith Reisman, Ted Baehr, Robert Knight, Don Wildmon, D. James Kennedy and Daniel Lapin -- have had articles published by WND on a regular basis or are regularly quoted in WND articles; one -- Gary DeMar -- has written a book that WND sells, one -- Michael Farris -- spoke at a conference that also featured WND editor Joseph Farah as a speaker; and one -- Joseph Farah -- runs the company that is publishing Kupelian's book.

Kupelian, you may recall, wrote the loopy "Media Matrix" essay that somehow overlooked WND's own matrix of lies and deceptions presented as truth, as ConWebWatch has noted.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:22 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, August 8, 2005 11:26 AM EDT
Sunday, August 7, 2005
WND Hides Identity of Shooting Victims
Topic: WorldNetDaily
From the Washington Post, we learn something else that WorldNetDaily Jerusalem reporter Aaron Klein has not told WND readers about the case of Eden Natan Zada. Of the four people that AWOL Israeli soldier Zada killed on a bus in Gaza Aug. 4 (whom Klein has described only as "Arabs"), two of them were Christians.

Shouldn't that trip WND's Christian-persecution switch?

Posted by Terry K. at 10:01 AM EDT
WND Breast Alert
Topic: WorldNetDaily
Another WorldNetDaily article on something overly sexy, this time an Aug. 6 article about a large-breasted mermaid sculpture. With a picture, of course. And a bonus shot, too: a picture of former attorney general John Ashcroft standing in front of a topless statue at the Justice Department.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:12 AM EDT
Friday, August 5, 2005
Topic: WorldNetDaily
An Aug. 5 WorldNetDaily article by Art Moore notes the Council on American-Islamic Relations' condemnation of the killing of four people and wounding of a dozen others on a bus in Gaza by AWOL Israeli soldier Eden Natan Zada -- then quotes two "terrorism experts"-cum-bloggers, Robert Spencer (last seen around these parts trying to whip up anti-Islamic sentiment in the death of a family that turned out not to be Islamic-related at all) and Steven Emerson, attacking CAIR for not sufficiently condemning Islamic terrorism to their satisfaction.

A quick check of these so-called experts' blogs, Jihad Watch and Counterterrorism Blog, shows that neither Spencer nor Emerson have condemned the Zada killings.

Then again, neither has WorldNetDaily.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:47 PM EDT
CNS Spin-O-Rama
Today's "Fact-O-Rama" is a sidebar to a surprisingly balanced article by Jeff Johnson on financial improprieties at a New York City Boys & Girls Club that have a link to Air America Radio. Unlike the article, the Fact-O-Rama manages to be quite misleading.

The headline is "Left's Silence on Air America Scandal." The front-page promo claims that the B&G Club scandal "has received almost no attention in the establishment media." Of course, "the left" and "the establishment media" are not the same thing, no matter how much CNS' overlords at the Media Research Center think they are.

But the actual "Fact-O-Rama" has an even greater disconnect between headline and copy. It has the same "Left's Silence on Air America Scandal," but instead, it discusses the ownership of Air America's New York affiliate, citing a only a " Commentary" as a source; more precisely, the source is an Aug. 3 column by Michelle Malkin. Whoever copied-and-pasted the "Fact-O-Rama" out of Malkin's column gives some infor on someone named "Jackson" but failed to give the guy's first name. Presumably, it's Jesse.

The article says nothing about anybody's silence.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:36 PM EDT
WND Perpetuates Killer As Victim
Topic: WorldNetDaily
Another Aug. 4 WorldNetDaily article by Aaron Klein portrays Eden Natan Zada, the AWOL Israeli soldier who shot and killed four people and wounded a dozen others on a bus, then later killed by a mob responding to the deaths, as a victim of the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza.

While Klein doesn't claim in that that Zada was "murdered" by the mob as he did in an earlier Aug. 4 article (a designation he did not apply to the four people Zada killed, as ConWebBlog noted), he does state that Zada "was killed when he was assaulted by a mob of angry Arab bystanders and witnesses."

But Klein continues the lionization of Zada as a victim of Gaza withdrawal, using the following quotes:

-- "Had he not been enlisted, had they not forced him to be scheduled to uproot Jews, there wouldn't be any deaths."

-- "[Eden] was a quiet kid. Withdrawn. But very nice. We certainly were in shock when we heard what happened. But when [the IDF] made him serve and then sent him to jail for refusing, something in him changed."

-- Zada was "a humble and very shy Jew. The disengagement really broke him."

A third Aug. 4 WND article by Klein repeats the quote, from a purported friend fo Zada's, that "Had he not been enlisted, had they not forced him to be scheduled to uproot Jews, there wouldn't be any deaths." But not until the very last paragraph does Klein quote someone -- for the first time anywhere in the three stories he wrote Aug. 4 on the incident -- as noting that Zada "took the lives of innocent people."

Posted by Terry K. at 3:31 PM EDT

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