When In Doubt, Bash a Clinton Topic: Newsmax
NewsMax's chosen method of distracting from Bush adviser Karl Rove's claim that Democrats are soft on terror was a June 23 atricle that dragged out a post-9/11 speech by Bill Clinton that, according to the headline, "proves Rove right."
In the speech, Clinton noted the Crusades, slavery and the treatement of native Americans as examples of how "the killing of noncombatants for economic, political, or religious reasons has a very long history." NewsMax selectively cites from Clinton's speech, then concludes: "By the time Mr. Clinton was done with his terrorism history lesson, it was clear America got what it deserved on 9/11."
Of course, that's not what Clinton said at all. As the actual speech shows (and as ConWebWatch noted at the time), Clinton assigned no blame on the U.S. for 9/11; he also said "I support the efforts of President Bush, the national security team, and our allies in fighting the current terrorist threat" and that "no terrorist campaign has ever succeeded, and this one won't if you don't give it permission."
Even the Wall Street Journal's James Taranto defended Clinton, calling a Washington Times attack on the speech that took a NewsMax-like taken-out-of-context approach "unfair" and calling the speech incoherent ... but it's far from seditious."
Totally Manchurian Topic: The ConWeb
Media Matters notes the following quote from Jay Severin about Hillary Clinton:
She's absolutely sociopathic. And she has a 50-50 chance of being the next president of the United States, save McCain. She's the Manchurian candidate.
ConWeb Balance Topic: CNSNews.com
Breakdown of a June 22 CNSNews.com article by Melanie Hunter on the House's passage of an anti-blag-burning constitutional amendment:
New Article: Money Over Facts Topic: Newsmax
NewsMax doesn't want to tell you the truth about "The Truth About Hillary"; it's too busy trying to sell you the book. Read more.
For a century, reveals "Hoodwinked," so-called "progressive" writers and filmmakers – multiculturalists like [Ward] Churchill and Alex Haley, sexual revolutionaries like Kinsey and Margaret Mead, quasi-Marxists like Noam Chomsky and Michael Moore, and radical naturalists like Paul Ehrlich and Rachel Carson – have been using falsehood and fraud as primary weapons in their assault on traditional American culture.
Unlikely to appear as an example in Cashill's book is Cashill himself, though he has perpetrated his own share of hookdwinking. As ConWebWatch has documented, Cashill wrote a seven-part opus (what is it with Cashill and multi-part articles?) purportedly demonstrating that anti-abortion extremist James Kopp was innocent of killing abortion doctor Barnett Slepian -- a few months before Kopp confessed to killing Slepian.
Priorities Topic: WorldNetDaily
Number of original WorldNetDaily "news" stories that mention the Downing Street Memo": 2
(A June 19 article attempting to debunk it, and a June 16 article on an online MSNBC poll noting that 94 percent of respondents agreed that President Bush misled the nation into war.)
Number of original WorldNetDaily "news" stories that mention the new TV ad for Carl's Jr. featuring Paris Hilton: 7
(The latest is a June 20 article on a parody ad; WND has made a point of noting that the ad is "blasted by some as soft-core pornography.")
Scientology: Clinton's Fault Topic: Accuracy in Media
Accuracy in Media has managed to come up with something else to blame on Bill Clinton: Scientology.
From a June 20 AIM column by Cliff Kincaid and Sherrie Gossett comparing the allged free pass given by the media to Tom Cruise's belief in Scientology to the media scrutiny given Mel Gibson's hardcore Catholicism in the wake of "The Passion of the Christ":
For years, Scientology fought a battle with the IRS because the government would not recognize its claim to be a religion. The IRS finally granted Scientology its desired status under President Bill Clinton, the recipient of massive donations from the Hollywood glitterati.
New Article: The Post-Mortem on the Post-Mortem Topic: The ConWeb
The ConWeb figures out how to go into attack mode on the Terri Schiavo autopsy report -- even bringing that "Nobel Prize nominee" doctor out of mothballs. Read more.
The Patty Murray Treatment, Part 2 Topic: Newsmax
Most bizarre spin on Richard Durbin's remarks (so far): A June 20 NewsMax column by John Perry claims that the remarks reveal a "sinister stain of anti-Semitism that Durbin's outburst made manifest" by allegedly "trivializing all those monstrous horrors" of the Holocaust:
When Durbin was saying what happened to Gitmo detainees was like what happened to those 11 million Nazi victims – more than half of them Jews – he was also, by definition, saying what happened during the Holocaust was no worse than what happened at Gitmo.
This was the worst sort of anti-Semitism. Lacking the candidness of an outright anti-Semitic slanderer, Durbin slithered around and used the rhetorical device of invidious comparison.
This long has been a part – alas, a growing part – of European culture, especially in France, where anti-Semitism thrives.
Every American of Jewish heritage – every American of non-Jewish heritage – should demand even more than an apology from Durbin. He should be told, "For shame, for shame, resign!"
The Patty Murray Treatment Topic: The ConWeb
Is the ConWeb giving Sen. Richard Durbin the Patty Murray treatment?
Murray is the senator from Washington state who, in 2002, suggested that Osama bin Laden had support in the Islamic world because he had built schools, roads and day care centers, and wondered why the U.S. hadn't done the same thing to build goodwill. The ConWeb -- WorldNetDaily in particular -- twisted this comment (which occurred on the heels of the uproar over Sen. Trent Lott's comments about Sen. Strom Thurmond) into a claim that Murray was praising bin Laden; NewsMax started calling Murray "Osama Mama." Meanwhile, a Republican congressman who actually did whitewash the Taliban faced no criticism from the ConWeb.
It looks like the ConWeb is trying to do the same to Durbin, taking his comments likening treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the torture regimes of Nazis, Soviets and Pol Pot. Mostly, the ConWeb has ignored his specific allegations of abuse and tried to distort Durbin's comments as a condemnation of all U.S. military personnel.
A couple of examples:
-- A June 17 NewsMax article goes after Sen. Pat Leahy for defending Durbin by claiming that "I'd be very careful about taking quotes off the Wall Street Journal editorial page." NewsMax's response: "urbin's quotes, however, didn't appear in the Wall Street Journal, but were instead first covered by its sister web site, OpinionJournal.com." It's a distinction without a meaningful difference; the WSJ editorial page runs OpinionJournal.com. It also noted "Durbin's characterization of GI's as 'Nazis.'" Another June 17 article insisted that Durbin claimed that "U.S. troops at Guantanamo Bay conducted themselves like 'Nazis.'"
-- A June 18 WorldNetDaily commentary by Robert Knight downplays allegations of abuse: "Mr. Durbin might have been carried away after hearing about some of the techniques used to break the terror suspects, such as playing loud rap music, making them stand naked, lowering the temperature and so on. But so far, not one prisoner at Guantanamo has perished, nor has any suffered any permanent physical harm." Knight also calls Durbin hypocritical because he "smeared good Americans" at Gitmo while opposing a law banning so-called "partial-birth" abortion."
-- A June 17 Media Research Center "Media Reality Check" claimed that Durbin "wildly" made his accusations, called them "absurd" and "crazy," and insisted that "the issue is really moot." A June 17 CyberAlert called Durbin's remarks "outlandish" and complained that the networks didn't give them enough attention.
You Read It Here First Topic: Newsmax
In 2002, ConWebWatch was the first to report that Richard Mellon Scaife was an investor in NewsMax. Today's New York Times noted that fact in an article about NewsMax's role in promoting the discredited book "The Truth About Hillary."
(We don't get a chance to toot our own horn very often, so forgive us.)
NewsMax served up its own version of the Times article, marking the first time that it has been disclosed on its web site that Scaife (NewsMax founder Christopher Ruddy's former boss) is a NewsMax investor.
NewsMax also tried to spin the article to paint the Times as liberally biased, as it's wont to do. But why won't NewsMax tell its readers about the manyfactualerrors already uncovered in it?
New Article: Can't Stop Won't Stop Topic: The ConWeb
The lying, that is. NewsMax and WorldNetDaily take a few more whacks at Jamie Gorelick without telling readers the truth about the "wall" she allegedly created. Read more.
Columnist Corrections Topic: WorldNetDaily World O'Crap notes a correction columnist Michelle Malkin will be making: It turns out that, contrary to her June 15 column, ABC "The View" co-host Barbara Walters did not, in fact, use the words "gross and disgusting" to describe breastfeeding. Malkin blames Canadian columnist Ted Byfield for the misinformation. (Byfield's June 12 column contains the phrase; Byfield also notes in the column that he has "never seen" "The View," which would seem to be a warning light regarding the quote's veracity.)
The bad news: WorldNetDaily runs both Malkin's and Byfield's columns. The good news: WND has a chance to remove the error in Byfield's column before it appears on Saturday, lest it have to retract yet another article.
UPDATE: WND not only links to Malkin's correction, it named Walters' response to Malkin its "Letter of the Week." Does this mean WND is taking fairness and accuracy in journalism seriously for once? We'll believe it when Joseph Farah corrects his attacks on Jamie Gorelick.
It Depends On What the Meaning of 'Fixed' Is Topic: CNSNews.com
CNSNews.com makes an effort to discredit the Downing Street memo in a June 16 article by Randy Hall. He uses James Robbins, senior fellow in national security affairs for the American Foreign Policy Council (a conservative group, though Hall doesn't tell us that), to try to build a case that "people who think the Downing Street Minutes are part of a pro-war conspiracy 'need to ramp down their enthusiasm'":
When asked about the use of the phrase "the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy," Robbins noted that the document provided meeting minutes, not a precise meeting transcript.
"People who are placing their entire case on the word 'fixed,' a word that may not even have been spoken but was just the shorthand of the person who was documenting the meeting, need to clarify whether that word was actually used, what that word means and where the people who may have said this got that impression," he said.
Michael Smith, the reporter for the British Sunday Times who broke the Downing Street memo story, clarifies things for Robbins and Hall in a June 16 Washington Post online chat:
There are number of people asking about fixed and its meaning. This is a real joke. I do not know anyone in the UK who took it to mean anything other than fixed as in fixed a race, fixed an election, fixed the intelligence. If you fix something, you make it the way you want it. The intelligence was fixed and as for the reports that said this was one British official. Pleeeaaassee! This was the head of MI6. How much authority do you want the man to have? He has just been to Washington, he has just talked to George Tenet. He said the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. That translates in clearer terms as the intelligence was being cooked to match what the administration wanted it to say to justify invading Iraq. Fixed means the same here as it does there.