Topic: The ConWeb
We noted before the election that ConWeb writers had done enough work in support of specific candidates that they might as well have been on the campaign's payroll. Let's look at the fruit of their efforts:
The writer: Jerome Corsi of WorldNetDaily
His candidate: Ken Blackwell
His nemesis: Ted Strickland
Election result: Strickland 60%, Blackwell 37%
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The writer: Jack Cashill of WorldNetDaily
His candidate: Curt Weldon
His nemesis: Joe Sestak (and Bill Clinton)
Election result: Sestak 56%, Weldon 44%
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The writer: Randy Hall of
His candidate: Diana Irey
His nemesis: John Murtha
Election result: Murtha 61%, Irey 39%
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The writer: Christopher Ruddy of NewsMax
His candidate: Joe Lieberman
His nemesis: Ned Lamont
Election result: Lieberman 50%, Lamont 40%
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Races ConWeb candidates won: 1
Races ConWeb candidates lost: 3