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Saturday, January 13, 2024
WND's Cashill Has A Meltdown Over Soccer, Pushes COVID Conspiracy Theory
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily columnist Jack Cashill and co-host Loy Edge spent their Nov. 9 podcast raging about how soccer is purportedly sissifying America. Cashill declared: "Why have we let ourselves be invaded -- you know, the first stage, and we have the WHO, we have the World Economic Forum, we have the globalists -- the early stages of the movement was the insertion of soccer into our high schools, grade schools, college, neighborhoods." He then agreed with Edge that soccer was "a breeding ground for future Antifa  movements" and "back-doored their way into our institutions." Edge sneered that "these guys normally wouldn't have been on a sports team. They weren't jocks by any stretch of the imagination." Cashill then identified another part of the conspiracy: "they probably measured their pitch in meters."

Cashill then mocked the idea of penalty kicks being a lot of the scores made in soccer: "Imagine an NBA game ... and at the end of regulation time it's 0-0, right, and they have an overtime, it's still 0-0, and they say, OK. get out your best five free-throw shooters, we'll get out our best five free-throw shooters. ... And then you call this -- you have your propaganda arm call this the greatest game in the world, the game that attracts the greatest amount of viewers in the world, right? And I think we're all being tricked. I think it's all a giant way -- one subtle, sneaky way of taking over our country."

Cashill offered his suggestion for improving the game: "make the goals bigger," since goalies have gotten bigger since the game was formed.

Cashill and Edge then went on a long digression about baseball, which included Cashill claiming that most of the racist hate letters Henry Aaron received as he approached breaking Babe Ruth's home run record were written by the KGB. That led to a sub-digression into COVID vaccine conspiracy theories:

CASHILL: When he was still alive -- and his ending was tragic. You know how that was. You know about that?

EDGE: I don't remember.

CASHILL: It was like a day after he got his jab.

EDGE: Oh, yeah, yeah, that's right. Boy, this show's not gonna air. Maybe he was, you know, jabbed, criticized by some people and died.

CASHILL: I mean, it could be a coincidence, but something tells me --

EDGE: Like it always is.

In fact, Aaron died of natural causes at age 86, not from the COVID vaccine.

Cashill and Edge eventually got back to soccer, with lots of whining about the "toxic" Megan Rapinoe. Cashill then derided women who think they can impress men by being into sports, insisting that the "don't just quite get it." He then claimed that female sports commentators can only do one thing "halfway well" is "on-the-field intervews which are brief and short and not in very much depth. The problem is they're talking to people who are sometimes two feet taller. In the booth they never sound quite right, in my humble opinion. ... They don't just get the rhythm of talking to men."

Posted by Terry K. at 12:21 AM EST

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