Topic: Media Research Center
You don't have to be a transgender person to incur the wrath of the Media Research Center -- merely being a female with high testosterone is reason enough. In 2022, for example, the MRC's John Simmons falsely claimed that soccer player Barbra Banda is transgender when, in fact, she is a biological female with a high testosterone level. Clay Waters had a similar meltdown over a not-transgender athlete in a Nov. 7 post:
Tax-funded PBS continues to push transgender issues: Amanpour & Co. on PBS Saturday morning featured Olympic runner Caster Semenya talking about her new book.
Semenya, who identifies and competes as female, is admittedly a special case. “She” is not a transgender and has had no kind of chemical surgery. Semenya was born with male XY chromosomes (females are XX) and the testosterone levels of a male. By her own admission “she” has no uterus or fallopian tubes and does not menstruate. Her condition is popularly described as “intersex.” She runs and wins medals as a female athlete.
Golodryga and Amanpour’s producers bypassed the inconvenient biological truths, cynically using Semenya’s case to leverage acceptance of biological males competing in female sports. The host wholly skipped the chromosome factor, an unchangeable trait that marks out Semenya as a biological male. Then again, science is not the strong suit of the transgender lobby.
(Semenya’s new book has been hailed in the usual left-wing quarters.)
Of course, Semenya is not transgender, though Waters wants you to think she is (even though he insisted on putting "she" in scare quotes). He continued to rant:
Semenya basically admitted she wasn’t a biological woman.
Semenya: ….For me, those who don't know, you know, the differences in my body, I'm born a woman, but I'm a woman with, no uterus, no fallopian tube. I don't go through menstruation and stuff like that….I have high elevated testosterone, but it does not really play a role in my training or role in my performances….High testosterone has undoubtedly played a role in Semenya’s achievements.
The host fawned.
He continued to rant that Semenya should be lumped with "biological males competing in women’s sports" even though she's not a biological male.
Waters tried to accuse PBS and host Bianna Golodryga (whose first name he didn't even bother to say) of being "trans-obsessed," but it's clear that Waters is the trans-obsessed one by misleadingly trying to hang that label on Semenya and his usage of "transgender" as a noun.