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Thursday, April 13, 2023
MRC's Double Standard On Children Testifying On Cultural Matters
Topic: Media Research Center

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg, the Media Research Center's chief transphobe, spent a March 17 post attacking a child:

I didn’t realize that people are having kids these days to simply to force them to be parrots of what adults are too scared to say themselves. 

In a now widely viewed video on Twitter, a 10-year-old “transgender” and “non-binary” child who uses “they/them” pronouns read from a speech (totally not written by his mother) about his rights and desires as a transgender individual. The child struggled through the speech that his mother had to have written, and the charade sparked outrage online. 

“Hello, my name is Zipp. I am 10 years old. I use they/them pronouns, and I am transgender non-binary,” the child began.

How is someone "transgender" and "nonbinary" at the same time? Transgenderism means identifying as the opposite gender, while "non-binary" means you don’t associate with either…right? Geez this alphabet mafia keeps me guessing every day. 


It’s heartbreaking to hear this child, who is obviously struggling to even read the words of his (or his mother's) speech. These are the kids that need extra protection and love - not the “love” that helps them change their gender or identify to something they clearly are not, but the love that encourages them to embrace who they truly are and love their God-given bodies.

The child’s main point was that he wanted to use the bathroom and “change space” that he “safe and at peace.”

“I urge council to allow transgender people access to the bathrooms and change rooms they need because when trans adults thrive, trans kids survive,” he said.

I bet my bottom dollar that kid doesn’t know what “thrive” means. Good job, mom.


My heart goes out to kids like this whose parents are clearly and blatantly abusing their privilege to indoctrinate and groom their own children.

Strangely, when Mandelburg wrote a post a couple weeks earlier on a similarly aged child providing testimony, she didn't accuse him of "strugging to read" or being a mindless parrot of his parents' viewpoints -- of course, that's beause the kid was sticking to her preferred right-wing narratives. Note the difference in tone (starting with "SAVAGE" in all caps in the headline):

While I wish the kid wasn't exposed to such a graphic book, I think his point was heard. 

Knox Zijac, an 11-year-old student at Windham Middle School in Maine, read a page from the book “Nick and Charlie” about a gay couple having sex. The book was a featured novel on display in his middle school library. 

The child, “still at a tender-enough age that he mispronounced ‘library’ without the final ‘r,’” as The Blaze reported, read every single word exactly as it was written, swears and graphic content included, certainly not because he wanted to but instead because that was the only way to get the school board to care even a little about what the heck was being distributed to kids in schools.


The child then proceeded to explain that when he checked the book out from the library to show his dad, the librarian not only asked him if he wanted more but also asked if he wanted a graphic novel version. 

The school board's reaction was discomfort and shock.

Zijac’s father then finished off the remaining three-minute allotment of time. “This is the smut that he is finding,” Mr. Zijac began. "I don’t care whether it’s gay, straight, bisexual, whatever the terms are for all this stuff, doesn’t need to be at our school, doesn’t need to be at my 11-year-old’s library.”

The dad also brought up the book “Gender Queer” that’s been circulating school libraries as well as discussion in school boards across the nation. “This is bullshit,” he said. “We do not need to be having literature that’s showing boys how to suck dick.”

Even though it's much more clear than in her other example that the parent leaned on the child to testify and may have even told him what to say -- not to mention forced him to say those things out loud that even Mandelburg found objectionable -- the kid stuck to the narrative, so Mandelburg won't smear him like she did the transgender child.

Indeed, a couple days before that, Mandelburg praised another student for repeating right-wing narratives (so much so she put "MIC DROP" in all caps in the headline):

Brad Taylor, a now former student at Rosemount High School (RHS) in Minnesota, recently spoke in front of a his district’s school, board proving what conservatives have been saying for years now: schools are prioritizing inclusivity, wokeism and indoctrination of their students over their academic success and wellbeing.

“District 196 schools are quickly becoming a place where promoting activism is actually more important than promoting education,” Taylor said, beginning what must have been a started their spiral of discomfort for the school board members. 

Taylor recounted how, on the first day of school, he was grouped, categorized and segregated by his skin color (white) during a speech from the principal. He was racially set apart from his classmates, “you must admit how uncomfortable it would be to be characterized just by your skin color on the first day of school, and you thought that you were wrong, just because of your skin color.”


Taylor announced that obvious “leftist agenda” has driven him to transfer to a private Christian school to continue in his studies. It’s unfortunate, but it's the only realistic option for a student who actually cares about academics and cares about fairness and equality for all. 

As a final hurrah, Taylor announced that the school board would regret their choices to push these woke policies as he has big plans to be a leader in this country, whether it be political or as a professional golfer and “it’s a shame that you’re not gonna be able to say that I was an alumni of RHS district 196.”

Nuff said, kid. 

Take it from Taylor: homeschool your kids, or get them into private school.

Again, Mandelburg refused to question whether the student's parents or his Christian school forced him to testify and told him what to say. He said conservatively correct things, and it doesn't matter who fed them to him.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:12 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, April 13, 2023 11:06 PM EDT

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