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Friday, April 7, 2023
With Trump Indicted For Real, Newsmax Cranks Up The Freakout
Topic: Newsmax

When Donald Trump delcared that his arrest was imminent -- the predicted date turned out to be false -- Newsmax snapped into action, repeatedly freaking out over the pronouncement and continuing to host people defending him even though his predicted date had long past, falsely portraying that failed prediction that a New York grand jury investigating him had decided not to charge Trump at all. Still, Mark Schulte wrote a pre-emptive March 29 column attacking Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg, claming that his investigation of Trump was "egregiously dishonoring a nationally prominent prosecutor's office."

When a credible media outlet reported on March 30 that the grand jury decided to indict Trump after all, Newsmax snapped into action again to peddle new outrage. Its first story on the development was a wire story, followed by copy-and-pasting Trump's response. Newsmax then hyped Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' declaration that he would fight Trump's extradition to New York for arraignment, but didn't mention that DeSantis has no power to actually do that and is obligated by federal law to not interfere -- and anyway, that was followed by a one-paragraph wire article noting that Trump and the Manhattan district attorney have been in contact to arrange surrender. Then came another wire article dclaiming that some Trump adversaries "fear the first-ever prosecution of a former US president could be a loser that undermines more consequential cases."

There were a couple more news-related items:

Then the freakout started anew:

The next day, there were a couple news-type articles:

But Newsmax really ramped up the attacks:

That's at least 27 attack articles Newsmax published since the indictment was announced. That's the kind of stenographical Trump-fluffing Newsmax had to convince DirecTV it couldn't do without.

Newsmax also published a March 31 commentary by Garrett Ventry asserting that the indictment of Trump was "un-American" and based on a "faulty legal theory; it represents the latest weaponization of the justice system — against Trump." Newsmax, however, prefaced the column with an editor's note to distance it from the opinion: "The following article has not been authored by an attorney. It does not constitute a legal opinion by Newsmax."

Posted by Terry K. at 6:25 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, April 7, 2023 7:46 PM EDT

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