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Friday, April 7, 2023
CNS Flip-Flops Over Messing With Books

Spencer J. Fairfield began a Feb. 23 article this way:

In Massachusetts, Superintendent of Abington Public Schools Peter Schafer has allowed a book that discusses sexual activities into public libraries for children. The book, written by author Juno Dawson, is titled “This Book is Gay” and, as reported by Fox News Digital, discusses “orgies, kinks, fetishes, sex apps,” as well as a wide variety of other sexually explicit topics.

Fox News Digital asked Superintendent Shafer if he was “aware that the book discusses the following, among other things: orgies, kinks, fetishes, sex apps, bath house, [a] casual hookup, [and] detailed information on how to have anal sex, as well as other sexual activities.”

“After reading the entire book and understanding it in full context, I decided to put it back in the library,” Shafer responded.

Then, blowing off the idea that the book is suitable when taken in its full context, Fairfield proceeded to take thing from the book out of context:

The book describes the author’s experience with Grindr, saying, “The benefits are obvious: quick, easy, and uncomplicated sex… I’ve met a variety of interesting people… I don’t have a problem with that aspect of it-if people want casual sex, then something like Grindr is a must."

The book also discusses topics of sex meets, sex parties, the “kink community,” and the use of sex toys.

On the topic of sex parties, the book promotes the use of saunas as a legal means of obtaining “some random sex”:

Fairfield didn't expalin why he took small sections of the book out of context when the superintendent explicitly stated that a review of the book's "full context" showed that it belonged in the library. Further, the headline of Fairfield's article falsely portrayed thebook as being only about "Orgies, Kinks, Fetishes, Sex Apps."

CNS is showing a double standard on books. The same day, it published a column by the Heritage Foundation's Jarrett Stepman complaining that books by Roald Dahl were being edited to have offensive elements removed:

You see, in progressive modernity we don’t burn books. Too crass, too simplistic. 

Instead, our Inclusion Ambassadors comb through old, cherished texts to alter and remove wrongthink before publication. The past won’t just be erased, it will be rewritten.


Now, we haven’t quite arrived at the dystopia of George Orwell’s classic novel “1984.” Newspeak isn’t being enforced by the government, yet.

However, this censorship and control of information and thought by a vast array or private corporate entities (with occasional aid from government agencies) is in some way more insidious for the long-term future of free thought. It inures us to tyranny over the mind and allows woke fanatics to get their way without the dramatic step of government prohibition.

This was followed by a March 1 article by managing editor Michael W. Chapman that a book shop in Ukraine was destroying books by Russian authors:

A book shop in Kiev, Ukraine is encouraging people to turn in Russian books to be destroyed -- "recycled" -- and, so far, more than 150,000 volumes have been ground up and pulped, including books by such great Russian writers as Leo Tolstoy, and most likely Fyodor Dostoevsky, Anton Chekov, and Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

In Kyiv, ABC News correspondent Patrick Reevel reported on Feb. 23, "we're at a paper recycling plant here, and the reason we're here is that we're watching hundreds of Russian books about to be pulped."

Chapman didn't explore why Ukrainians were motivated to do this, outside of a passing reference to the "Russia-Ukraine conflict" -- you know, the one in which Russia invaded Ukraine and which CNS tried to blame President Biden for provoking by not being totally opposed to Ukraine joining NATO.

The irony, of course, is that both Stepman and Chapman would ban and pulp "This Book Is Gay" and any other book that notes that L:TBT people exist because it offends their right-wing perspectives.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:21 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, April 7, 2023 1:44 PM EDT

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