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Thursday, April 6, 2023
WND Columnist Warns Against Fearmongering -- Then Fearmongers
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Larry Tomczak began his Feb. 28 WorldNetDaily column this way:

Red alert! We must not be naïve "evanjellyfish" allowing false narratives, skewed polls and supposedly "scientific" data to mislead us anymore. It's time to expose deceptive propaganda the same way Russian dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn did in his 1974 manifesto "Live Not by Lies."

We are regularly facing nonstop narratives intended to frighten and form us into malleable foot soldiers marching in lockstep to the Pied Piper progressives.

In the 1947 book "Nuremberg Diaries," we're told how Hermann Göring, the Nazi architect of Germany's police state, said that "people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders by telling them they're being exposed to danger."

But later in his column, under the subhead "Expose/Expunge," did a bunch of fearmongering:

"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them" (Eph. 5:11).

"All that's required for tyranny to gain a foothold is for people of conscience to remain silent." –Thomas Jefferson

Who are some of the people and entities that need to be called out for deceiving Americans and actively working to promote radical progressive initiatives to topple traditional America?

• Big government

• Big media

• Big tech

• Big globalist elites (World Health Organization, World Economic Forum)

• Big academia

• Big-name celebrities

• Big companies

They've been used as mouthpieces for malevolent forces trying to convince millions, especially young people, that America is racist and systemically evil; our Founders and heroes were racists whose statues must be torn down; capitalism is bad and based on greed; the time has come for the Constitution to be rewritten, the Electoral College should be abolished and voter ID be outlawed; life does not begin at conception; our criminal justice system is corrupt and must be replaced, recognizing offenders as victims needing counseling, no bail and release from oppressive prisons; police departments have to be defunded; Critical Race Theory and LGBTQ propaganda must be taught in schools; "Death with Dignity" (physician assisted suicide) must be recognized as a basic human right; millennials aren't proud to be Americans; the traditional family and religious values are being discarded; the 2020 election had minimal irregularities; Black and Hispanic Americans believe the U.S. is inherently racist and do not trust whites; religion is rapidly losing its place in America.

Tomczak didn't explain why his fearmongering is somehow pure while everyone else's is evil, instead, he played the religion card: "Here's the deal: We are at a tipping point for a major revival and Third Great Awakening!"

Posted by Terry K. at 7:20 PM EDT

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