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Thursday, June 21, 2018
WND Can't Stop Pushing Right-Wing Legal Group's Obama-Bashing Non-Story
Topic: WorldNetDaily

We've documented how WorldNetDaily has played stenographer for the right-wing American Center for Law and Justice in trying to turn a molehill of a story into a bogus, Obama-bashing mountain. They're still at it.

An anonymously written June 12 WND article is the latest stab at this:

The U.S. government was informed of the overtly political agenda of OneVoice Israel and OneVoice Palestine – to defeat Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – but gave the groups American taxpayer money anyway.

The report from the American Center for Law and Justice comes in its ongoing Freedom of Information Action case against the government over the Obama administration’s granting of taxpayer funds to groups trying to intervene in the election of a close U.S. ally.


“These are the nonprofit organizations that used digital infrastructure built with U.S. government funds to orchestrate an attempt to unseat the government of Israel in 2015,” ACLJ explained. “The records we obtained include further confirmation of the bias of the OneVoice organizational leadership against Israel and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and in favor of Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas.”

First: The ACLJ is engaging in some serious fallacious bias by portraying criticism of Netanyahu as being "against Israel." 

Second: Any political position OneVoice had for the purposes of the money it received is irrelevant, since that project was unrelated to the Israeli election.

Third: WND and the ACLJ continue to gloss over the fact that a congressional investigationfound that OneVoice fully complied with the terms of the original grant, no grant money was used in the election, and the State Department placed no limitations on the post-grant use of those resources. (The ACLJ's manufactured outrage involves the fact that resources paid for in the original grant were later used in an anti-Netanyahu campaign.)

Fourth: WND and the ACLJ continue to whine about the fact that the son of Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas was an official with OneVoice -- something the ACLJ has portrayed as a recent revelation but has been publicly known since 2003 -- even though the group also included members of Netanyahu's Likud party.

Obama left office nearly two years ago, guys. Time to give up the obsessive hate.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:55 AM EDT

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