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Monday, October 30, 2017
WND Columnist Gives Trump Credit for Something He Didn't Do
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Andy Schlafly cheers in his Oct. 24 WorldNetDaily column:

President Trump wins more kudos for allowing the release of the JFK assassination files. Proving again why he is a welcome alternative to the Establishment, Trump has stood up for the American people in ending the 50-plus years of cover-up by government of these documents.

But Trump did nothing to make this happen. The release of the documents was ordered by a 1992 law; all Trump had to do was not stand in the way of their release. This means that Schlafly is praising Trump for doing nothing.

And even then, Trump ended up blocking the release of some documents, citing national security concerns. Will Schlafly ding Trump for doing that?

Probably not, because he immediately ran off into conspiracy la-la-land, suggesting there was a conspiracy to allow "known America-hater" Lee Harvey Oswald back into the U.S. prior to JFK's assassination. Then Schlafly went extremely obscure in his conspiracy-mongering:

For example, the federal government continues to hide evidence about other potential crimes even older than the JFK assassination. More than 200 years ago Meriwether Lewis died of a gunshot wound, either by murder or suicide, after having led the marvelous Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the Northwest.

Lewis is buried in a national park owned by the federal government, and President Bill Clinton refused requests by historians and Lewis’ descendants to exhume his body probably because Clinton did not want to set a precedent that might result in the exhumation of his deceased Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, sought around the same time. The Bush administration later approved an exhumation of Lewis in 2008, but then the Obama administration blocked it without any reasonable justification, presumably as a favor to the Clintons.

Government will hide information as long as the public allows it. Fortunately, President Trump is siding with the public.

Needless to say, Schlafly is engaging in baseless speculation -- he has no evidence that Clinton had any personal involvement in the National Park Service's refusal to exhume Lewis' body, or that Obama personally intervened to stop the exumation as a favor to the Clintons. In fact, the 2010 decision not to exhume Lewis has to do with a Department of Interior policy to not disturb graves not threatened by destruction than any of Schlafly's conspiracy theories.

but then, when have the facts ever gotten in the way of a good conspiracy theory at WND?

Posted by Terry K. at 7:44 PM EDT

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