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Saturday, October 28, 2017
WND Columnist Turns Weinstein Scandal Into Attack on Obama, For Some Reason
Topic: WorldNetDaily

We're just amazed that WorldNetDaily columnist Craige McMillian somehow turned the Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment scandal into an attack on women in general, then liberals,  and then on President Obama, despite Obama having nothing whatsoever to do with Weinstein. From McMillan's Oct. 13 WND column:

Did the elites cover for Weinstein because he knew their little secrets? Maybe the flicks Harvey was so kind to deliver for Hillary when he was around were just a cover for the ones he delivered for Bill. How many trips did Bill make on the Lolita Express in Epstein’s jet? 26 trips?

The sexual revolution robbed women of the once-absolute power they held over men: Creation of the next generation. In return women got hookups, recycled STDs, lame excuses and single parenthood. The state stepped in to help them raise their kids in poverty. I guess for feminists, that’s progress.

It’s easy to see why Weinstein so often got what he wanted, and so rarely wrote a check for it. The same is true for the Democratic Party. More single mothers dependent upon the state for their well-being and raising their kids meant a continuing stream of new Democratic voters. More money for public schools, which were forced to deal with broken families. More union dues into the Dems’ coffers at election time. The taxpayers? Well, bleep them!

But still it wasn’t enough. Democrats wanted the illegal vote. They wanted the dead vote. Colleges and universities signed onto the bandwagon under the promise of more and easier student loans for all comers. In return higher education generated intellectual idiots, whose grasp of the thought process is so weak they demand protection from challenges to their indoctrinated worldview. Why do these colleges and universities still have accreditation? Do the degrees they award have any meaning to anyone beyond their own accountants, who tally up the student loan income?

Do you think it’s over? God simply started with the toughest nut to crack, which was Washington, D.C. It was run by a corrupt and incompetent fraud who used the nation’s own intelligence services to spy on the rival political party and to thwart any advances toward the White House. The fraud’s goal was to hand the keys over to an even bigger corrupt and incompetent successor, Hillary Clinton, whom he knew would be good at only one thing: covering his tracks.

McMillan's evidence that Bill Clinton is an apparent pedophile is a link from Russian propaganda outlet RT. He provides no evidencebacking up his assertion that Obama is "a corrupt and incompetent fraud who used the nation’s own intelligence services to spy on the rival political party,"

Posted by Terry K. at 6:10 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, October 28, 2017 11:53 PM EDT

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