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Wednesday, November 5, 2014
MRC Tries To Obscure Lack of Voter Fraud
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center's Kristine Marsh doesn't like that "The Daily Show's" Jon Stewart pointed out the general lack of voter fraud taht supposedly justifies the imposition of voter ID laws, so she devoted a Nov. 3 article to complaining about it.

Marsh complained that "Stewart cited a misleading statistic that found only two cases of actual voter fraud in the course of the last ten years." In fact, Marsh is the one who's misleading.

The segment in question -- which Marsh curiously doesn't include in the video clip accompanying her article -- actually states there were two cases of actual voter fraud in the course of the last ten years in Texas.

PolitiFact backs this up by stating that between 2002 and 2012, only two election fraud cases in Texas involving "voter impersonation" -- the kind of voter fraud ID laws are supposed to stop -- resulted in convictions.

Marsh then tries to obscure Stewart's  command of the facts by again screaming that he's being "misleading":

Though Stewart cites “nonexistent fraud” his facts are misleading. Stewart doesn’t mention the Democrats counting known dead people in their polling counts, nor the huge problem of illegal immigrants voting with easy access to photo i.d.s. Clearly the number of illegal immigrants voting is higher than Stewart’s cited “two known cases.”

Of course, voting by illegal immigrants and dead people is already legal, so voter ID laws would do nothing to stop it. And how, exactly, would a voter ID law stop an illegal immigrant who has"easy access to photo i.d.s"? Marsh doesn't explain.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:48 PM EST

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