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Thursday, July 26, 2012
WND Race-Baiting Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Colin Flaherty keeps up the race-baiting in a July 24 WorldNetDaily article:

The epidemic of black-mob violence now has a soundtrack.

In fact, lots of them: sophisticated, highly produced songs and videos that urge black people to create all kinds of mayhem. From murdering CEOs and delivery drivers to starting riots and engaging in random warfare and everything in between.

Millions of people enjoy them every day; not just as music, but as a lifestyle.

It is not known if any of the 1,000 black people who rioted in downtown Greensboro following the Fourth of July festivities this year were dancing to this kind of music. But there is no doubt they were part of the lifestyle.

Apparently, in Colin Flaherty's eyes, only blacks lead the "mob violence" lifestyle. It's that supposition that underlies every one of Flaherty's articles that makes them race-baiting, WND disclaimer to the contrary.

Posted by Terry K. at 7:19 AM EDT

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