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Monday, July 2, 2012
WND Columnists Attack Roberts Over Health Care Reform
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily writers have not been taking Chief Justice John Roberts' opinion in favor of the constitutionality of President Obama's health care reform plan very well -- by waging personal attacks on Roberts.

Here's sue-happy defamer Larry Klayman:

The incestuous legal and political establishment has struck again. Appointed by Republican “royal blue blood” President George W. Bush in yet another stupid and incompetent act, Chief Justice John Roberts has just cast the final straw toward and thus triggered a new American Revolution. Ironically, like King George III in the years leading up to the Declaration of Independence in 1776, Roberts has ” ruled” against and deep-sixed the rights and freedoms of the people and rubber stamped the legislation that came to be known as Obamacare. Roberts, casting his lot with the other leftist justices who sit on the Supreme Court, in his majority opinion upheld the constitutionality of Obamacare Thursday. To try to justify its “constitutionality,” Roberts recast the illegal health-care mandate – where Americans are forced to buy health insurance or be financially penalized with a stiff fine – as the equivalent of a new tax. King George III would have been proud!


While destructive, outrageous and illegal, Roberts’ actions will prove to be historic in another important way. It confirms to the American people that we have no Supreme Court, much less a judiciary, that is willing to protect us from the tyranny of the other two branches of government. And, who will now protect us from the judiciary itself? It is now crystal clear that We the People need to take matters into our own legal hands and do what must be done, without fear, to protect and preserve the freedoms our Founding Fathers pledged their sacred honor and risked their lives and fortunes to win. The new revolution has begun in earnest!

Ellis Washington similarly rants:

If we sometimes forget that under those black minister robes lie corrupt and corruptible men and women of flesh and blood, then Thursday’s ruling by SCOTUS should have been a sobering wake-up call for all Americans who love and revere the U.S. Constitution. Rush Limbaugh, citing a Politico editorial two days before called “Justice Roberts big moment,” pulled back the veil to reveal the real intent of what was at stake: Will Justice Roberts’ name live on for the ages as a darling of the progressive/liberal establishment and will he be invited to all the “right” D.C. cocktail parties, or will he (like Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia) be treated as a leper in Washington, D.C., and on the pages of the Washington Post, L.A. Times, New York Times and on all the liberal news networks – MSNBC, CBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, et al.?


It is obvious Chief Justice Roberts took the traitors path. Roberts’ unholy alliance with the liberals on the court upholding the individual mandate of Obamacare was a Faustian bargain he made with the devil to establish and preserve his judicial legacy over the next three decades he will probably serve on the bench. Truly, Thursday’s decree marked a dark day for both the original intent of framers of the Constitution as well as legitimate jurisprudence that venerates the rule of law.

(This from the guy who thinks Marbury v. Madison is unconstitutional.)

Posted by Terry K. at 10:33 PM EDT

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