Topic: Newsmax
Some people play golf, others tennis, chess, or poker. But Obama’s hobby is raising taxes. He talks about them so often, he must dream of them at night.
He doesn’t have visions of fairies and sugar plums dancing in his head. Obama smiles as he dreams of IRS auditors and tax liens. Never underestimate a man who brought us the “tanning bed tax.”
Obama’s buddies in the looting business — i.e. Democratic politicians from coast to coast — are now licking their lips as they propose a fat tax instead of a flat tax.
There won’t be any flat tax with Obama and his socialist cabal in charge. They don’t want simplicity. They want complexity. They don’t want subtraction (tax cuts). They only desire addition (new taxes to add to your burden). They don’t want to inspire you to create jobs. They want to punish you, so that only government can create jobs.
-- Wayne Allyn Root, May 22 Newsmax column