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Thursday, May 3, 2012
WND: Obama Is Agent Smith
Topic: WorldNetDaily

If nothing else, WorldNetDaily is good for the parlor game of how high it can ratchet is pathological hatred of President Obama.

WND gives its trademark overheated paranoid rhetoric another stab in promoting the latest issue of its Whistleblower magazine, this time with added "Matrix":

Millions of Americans feel they’re living in a war zone, the bombardments coming their way daily.

Non-stop lies and corruption. White House “czars” with communist backgrounds. Brazen presidential power grabs. Bows to enemy leaders and insults to allies. Intentionally destructive economic and energy policies. Presidential hot-mic gaffes proving collusion with America’s enemies.

No wonder Americans are more worried today about the very survival of their nation than at any time since the Civil War.

But underlying the madness – underlying all of the epic, high-level subversion of America – enabling it, justifying it, disguising it – is a secret language of the left, a language most citizens neither understand nor even recognize.

This secret language, an essential ingredient in America’s rapidly advancing socialist transformation, is dramatically exposed in May’s groundbreaking issue of Whistleblower magazine, titled “THE ALINSKY CODE.”

Without this secret language, the “matrix” of deceit and delusion enveloping modern America would soon disappear – just as in the sci-fi film blockbuster “The Matrix” – and citizens would behold Barack Obama and his administration for exactly what they really are: committed revolutionaries of the radical left.

So Obama is Agent Smith and Joseph Farah is Neo?

Remember that a few years back, WND's David Kupelian laughably portrayed partakers of non-WND media as victims of "the Matrix," when in fact WND is is a blue-pill wholesaler.

And this bizarre logical analysis is brought to you courtesy of the WND Super PAC.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:29 PM EDT

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