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Thursday, May 3, 2012
CNS Still Obsessed Over Afghan Troop Deaths Under Obama

We've detailed how CNSNews' Edwin Mora has been obsessed with doing monthly body counts of American troops killed in Afghanistan under President Obama while ignoring the much higher number of Americans killed in Iraq under the stewardship of President Bush.

Mora ramps up the obsession again with a May 1 article declaring that "Although President Obama has only served 39 months in office, 69 percent of the U.S. military fatalities in the more than 10-year-old war in Afghanistan have occurred on his watch."

Missing from Mora's article, as they were from his many previous articles on troop deaths: any mention of Bush or Iraq.

This confirms that the sole point of Mora's reporting is to disparage Obama. After all, CNS did no such body count of troop deaths when Bush was president -- to the contrary, it touted how troop deaths were dropping.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:52 AM EDT

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